Cyrillization of Napranian

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The Cyrillization of the Napranian language has been practiced since early 2023, when both the Cyrillic and Latin scripts were approved for use within the government of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa. This was done in a bid to further Slavicize the micronation, with the Cyrillic script having been cited in Valenian sources such as the Outline on Culture and Religion as the primary writing system of the Slavic peoples alongside Glagolitic.

Old Napranian Cyrillic

The Napranian Cyrillic writing system was initially proposed during the foundation era of the former Grand Duchy of Naprzódsk, primarily utilizing the Old Napranian dialect. The Old Napranian Cyrillic alphabet and orthography was initially created simply as an additional way to write the language, with little regard shown to historical sources and the pronunciation of words and characters.

Modliwik Kroniki (Chronicle's Prayer)

In Old Napranian Latin:

Kjedy cherna da żiemłe grašja, wier niestrachy harbórja. Ponieważ wier usłade w šełu da rukiewąstwo że Bogom nachódit, i wier wochy da chwała że Słowianie znaš, nie mogę umierec bódszecz. Poc Bogom ja czeszień, i do ich ja sobie dawaš, moje umy i tiało, tah wochy żecz ich ja móchet jesza żida. Moje krew czystij jest, moje sówianiem jasno jest, moje łudzie moje żid czy, i moje Zełmja moj do pokobić jest. Ponieważ wochy da wolja że moje Bogom jest. Chwała Słowianie. Chwała Bogom.

In Old Napranian Cyrillic:

Кѣдў хэрна да щемљэ граця, вер нестрахў гарборя. Поневаж вер усљадэ в цељу да рукевѫство жэ Богом находит, и вер вохў да хваља жэ Сљовияне щнась, не могѧ умерэц бодшэчь. Поц Богом я чьэшењ, и до их я собе давац, моѣ умў и тияљо, таг вохў жэчь их я мохэт ѣша жида. Моѣ крэв чьўстї ѣст, моѣ совиянем ясно ѣст, моѣ људще моѣ жид чьў, и моѣ Щэљмя мой до покобичь ѣст. Поневаж вохў да воля жэ моѣ Богом ѣст. Хваља Сљовияне. Хваља Богом.

New Napranian Cyrillic

The current Napranian Cyrillic alphabet was standardized in early 2023 by an executive order from then-Governor-General of the former Polonian Presidential Dependency of Valenowa, Michał I Walenowski. The standardization of the Napranian Cyrillic alphabet and orthography was fully achieved in early 2024, when the language reached its current form following its full Slavicization. As of May 2024, the Napranian grammar systems and cases are still evolving.

The High Napranian writing system was created following more in-depth research into existing Cyrillic alphabets, pronunciations, and Slavic word roots. Samples of texts in the script were released to the public by the government of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa in March 2024 for criticism and refinement. Multiple versions of the script existed prior to the current standardization, however all have since been discarded or fallen out of use entirely. Today, High Napranian Cyrillic is used in an official capacity only by the Grand Duchy of Valenowa, and by the Khanate of Sol as a member nation of the greater Commonwealth of Valenowa.

Modliwik Kroniki (Chronicle's Prayer)

In High Napranian Latin:

Kiedy cherna da ziemłe gracja, wier niestrachy garbórja. Ponieważ wier usłado w cejłu da rukiewącztwo że Bogam nachódit, i wier wochy da sława Słowianie znac, nie mogę umierec bódszecz. Poc Bogam ja czeszień, i do ich ja sobie dawac, mója umy i tiało, tag wochy żecz ich ja móchet jesza żida. Mója krewą czystij jest, mója sówianiem jasno jest, mója łudzie mója żid czy, i mója Zełmja moj do pokobić jest. Ponieważ wochy da wolja że mója Bogam jest. Sława Słowianie. Sława Bogam.

In High Napranian Cyrillic:

Кѥды херна да зѥмльэ граця, вѥр нѥстрахы гарбóря. Понѥваж вѥр усльадо в цѣльу да рукѥвѫчтво жэ Богам нахóдит, и вѥр вохы да сльава Сльовянѥ знац, нѥ могѧ умѥрец бóдшеч. Поц Богам я чешѥњ, и до их я собѥ давац, мóя умы и тяльо, таг вохы жеч их я мóхет ѥша жида. Мóя кревѫ чыстї ѥст, мóя сóвянѥм ясно ѥст, мóя льуsѥ мóя жид чы, и мóя Зедьмя мой до покобич ѥст. Понѥваж вохы да воля жэ мóя Богам ѥст. Сльава Сльовянѥ. Сльава Богам.

See also