Constitution of Unitaria Act Repeal Act, 2022

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Constitution of Unitaria Act Repeal Act, 2022
Legislative Body of Unitaria
Territorial extentUnitaria
Date of Royal Assent24 October 2022
Introduced byRachel Burklandssen
Repealed all Unitarian laws.
Status: Repealed

The Constitution of Unitaria Act Repeal Act, 2022 is an Act of the Legislative Body which repealed the Constitution of Unitaria Act, 2022 and all laws enacted under it. It also dissolved the Legislative Body of Unitaria and the office of Empress of Unitaria. It abolished all Unitarian claims to territory. The intent of the law was to transfer Unitarian sovereignty to a future micronation to be established by Rachel Burklandssen and one of her friends.

The Act of the Legislative Body was established during the Second Constitutional Convention, which was called by Burklandssen in accordance with the Second Amendment to the Constitution of Unitaria (Provisions Related to Legislative Sessions) Act, 2022. The law started the Unitarian constitutional crisis. The micronation that Burklandssen thought would be formed to succeed Unitaria was not formed, and the law did not include any provisions for dealing with such a possibility. To solve the crisis, Burklandssen used the Royalist Party of Unitaria to establish the Royalist Party of Unitaria Transitional Government.

On January 18, 2023, the law was repealed by Royalist Party of Unitaria Transitional Government Order #1: Restoring Unitaria. The repeal of the Constitution of Unitaria Act Repeal Act, 2022 did not reinstate previous Unitarian laws. However, it did reestablish the office of Empress of Unitaria.