Chapel of Joseph the Patriarch

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Chapel of Joseph the Patriarch
View from Cairo Road
Location1 Cairo Road
Founded22 December 2021
Founder(s)Jackson I and Matthew Hughes
Functional statusActive
Architect(s)Jackson I and Matthew Hughes
StyleFort Style
Bells1, formerly
Reader(s)Jackson I

The Chapel of Joseph the Patriarch is a Christian chapel in Charriotsville. It was constructed in December 2021, and originally entitled the Chapel of Saint Anthony. In 2023 it was renamed after Joseph the Patriarch.

Even though the founders and administrators of the chapel, Jackson I and Matthew Hughes are High church Lutherans, they use low church terminology, as they want to avoid claiming to be real clergy, and disrespecting the church and sacraments. Due to this, the Lord's Supper is never celebrated at the chapel, "mass" never occurs, and the most that can happen here is a group coming together for scriptural readings and prayers. Christians of all denominations are welcome at the chapel, and it is sometimes used as a space for theological discussion between different denominations. Mainly, however it is used as a space for personal prayer.


The arms of the chapel, representing Joseph's dream of 11 stars bowing down to his star.

The chapel began construction on 21 December 2021, and was built fully with recycled materials. A few weeks earlier, Jackson I had spotted someone throwing lots of wooden planks out and asked if he could take them, which he did. These would be put to use to construct the cross in the front of the chapel. During construction, an old mailbox post was discovered and it was used as a sign. An old brake drum was also found and was nailed to one of the trees, and used as a bell, being struck by a hammer. An altar was built out of some of the recycled wood, but was kept in storage when not in use. Sometime in early 2022, the chapel was completely vandalized. The cross was broken, and the sign and bell are lost to this day.

In early 2022, during the Midlothian War Wegmat planned on invading Charriotsville. Before the invasion, it was decided that Kapreburg would have a soldier stationed at the church in an effort to force the Weg force to split up. Wegmat backed down on it's plans to invade the morning of the scheduled invasion.

Since the construction of the church, it has been used as a personal space of prayer by Jackson I, but there has been a few times where others have convened there to pray together. The chapel is also used as a community center at times, and is used to store construction tools during different Kapresh projects.

Jackson I has expressed his wish to have a coronation one day, and would prefer it be done by an actual priest in an actual church. Despite this Jackson has stated that he thinks it is unlikely an actual priest will do his coronation, and therefore says he will have his coronation done in the Chapel of Joseph the Patriarch if he is unable to find another church to do his coronation.