Bank of Thammasat

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Bank of Thammasat It is the only government owned bank. And the government is largely responsible for the currency. at the level of international free trade. It is a bank

Bank of Thammasat
Address Thammasat Krungsrithammasat
Agency overview
Formed 1 August 2021
Jurisdiction Thammasat
Under agency -
Website soon

for entities related to friends, investment status and income and expenses. This bank is also an external international receiving bank in the use of currency. For foreigners outside the country. and stabilize the economy, and this bank also helps people. when helping people in need in various situations. This bank is a bank that can develop itself and develop society in all aspects. for sustainability and stability to the institution national finance to be more stable.


Founded on 5th April 2024.

Executive of the Bank

Name Portrait Roles
Vaccant Governor of the Bank
Vaccant Deputy Governor of the Bank
Vaccant Secretary of the Bank
Vaccant Deputy Secretary of the Bank

See also