Auvenese Crisis (2019)

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Auvenese Crisis
DateJuly 5th 2019 - July 17, 2019
Discord, parts of Auvenum
  • Palestinian supporters in Auvenum
  • Members of the Government of Auvenum
  • Kingdom of Auvenum
  • Other support
    • Empire of Emosia
    Commanders and leaders
    • William Efton
    • Nicholas Randouler, more
  • Calvin White
  • The Auvenese Crisis of 2019 was an event that eventually led to the collapse of the Kingdom of Auvenum. It started with nationwide protests by pro-Palestinian and Aenderian-affiliated foreign agents, civilians, and politicians who did not support King Calvin White, citing the "behavior of Calvin White's government," the inactive status of Auvenum, and Calvin White's opposition to the "State of Palestine." It is viewed as the primary event which led to the dissolution of Auvenum.



    King Calvin White identifies as a zionist and supports the current state of Israel. Anti-White opposition successfully galvanized the use of his stance on Israel to create a national instability crisis, although the underlying cause was not directly related to his recognition and support of Palestine. Several members of Parliament, including then-Prime Minister Nicholas Randouler, sided with the pro-Palestinian protestors and began targeting the monarchy, which led to increased and more widespread tension.

    Peace Attempts and Foreign Mediation

    White, fearing further tensions that he viewed as a threat to his governance, attempted to mediate the conflict by contracting peacemakers from the OAM. This was unsuccessful, as they were convinced to leave after being requested to by the pro-Palestinian supporters, citing the lack of real progress toward a solution to the conflict.

    End of Conflict

    On July 7, Calvin White installed a "temporary" absolute monarchy into Auvenum, purging every member of Parliament from their positions, including Prime Minister Nicholas Randouler and MP William Efton, two notable Auvenese politicians. As a result, the protests slowly ended, and Randouler fled and filed for asylum in Aenderia. Aenderia later voted to cease recognizing Auvenum as a nation in the aftermath of the event.


    This crisis was largely viewed as the primary event that led to the collapse of Auvenum. Public confidence in the monarchy and the future of the nation began to falter in the wake of this event, and the nation plunged into a deep era of inactivity. Many attempts to resuscitate Auvenum by Calvin White were unsuccessful, and Auvenum never managed to return to the same level of activity as it had pre-crisis.

    Unsuccessful Attempts to Revive the Parliament

    Auvenum struggled with recruiting candidates for planned parliamentary elections, which led to elections being postponed multiple times. Eventually, King White had given up and abandoned the responsibility of governing Auvenum as the nation continued to remain inactive.

    Personal Strifes

    In the wake of the growing inactivity of Auvenum, King White had begun to distance himself from micronations. This only contributed to inactivity in Auvenum and influenced his decision to later dissolvethe country. However, White briefly returned in April 2021 as a citizen of Aenderia and served as its last President.


    Calvin White announced in late 2019 that Auvenum would cease to exist as a micronation on January 1, 2020, and was officially declared to have been dissolved on that day. Some former territories of Auvenum have been annexed into other micronations, even though White had intended to return the former territories to their respective macronations. An attempt to revive Auvenum by Jay Clover shortly after its collapse was unsuccessful.