Armed Forces of Valenowa

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Armed Forces of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa
Wojskowa Walenowej
Motto"Fides armis" (Latin)
FoundedJuly 2019
Current form21 October 2023
Service branches Land Forces

Cavalry Corps
Gendarmerie Corps
Drone Corps
Special Operations Forces
Corps of Cadets

Civilian Corps of Engineers
HeadquartersFort Bolesław, Bolchidow Voivodeship, Valenowa
Marshal of the LegionsGeneral of the Armies Michał I Walenowski
Military age12 (Corps of Cadets with parental consent), 16 (Corps of Cadets voluntarily), 18
ConscriptionMales and Females required to register at age 18 (Conscription inactive since 2020)
Active personnelUnspecified
Domestic suppliersPolonian Metalworks

The Armed Forces of Valenowa, also known as the Valenian Armed Forces and officially as the Armed Forces of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa, are the military forces of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa. The Valenian Armed Forces consist of 7 branches called Legions, including the Land Forces, Corps of Cadets, Gendarmerie Corps, Cavalry Corps, Drone Corps, Special Operations Forces, and the non-uniformed Civilian Corps of Engineers.

Each Legion within the Valenian Armed Forces serves as a specialized operational force, with a set of specializations, equipment, vehicles, and regulations. The Land Forces conduct ground operations and infantry maneuvers, typically supported by the Cavalry Corps, which specializes in armored and mechanized operations utilizing armored vehicles. The Drone Corps, specializing in irregular drone warfare, provides additional support to the Cavalry Corps and Polonian Legion. The Corps of Cadets serves as a military experience and developmental structure for Valenian youth, and the Gendarmerie Corps operates as both a military and civilian police force within the Valenian Armed Forces. The Special Operations Forces serve as a more disciplined, better-trained, and better-equipped ground force that undertakes operations in adverse conditions such as poor weather or chemical warfare, and is the primary branch utilized to train foreign armed forces. The Civilian Corps of Engineers is a civilian organization headed by the Valenian Armed Forces, which serves to provide non-combat infrastructural support to the rest of the Legions.

The Valenian Armed Forces have played a critical role in the foundation and maintenance of Valenowa, with the former Napranian Royal Defense Corps having provided the groundwork for the Grand Duchy of Naprzódsk, which preceded Valenowa. Initially founded as a force to combat neo-nazism within the United States, the organization grew and evolved into its present-day form, now strictly providing protection from predatory wildlife, poachers, trespassers, and national defense in the event of civil unrest. The Valenian Armed Forces are a major source of Valenian pride and patriotism, and play a crucial role in the nation's operation, utilized both as national defense and community service, providing manpower for infrastructure projects, police work, educational programs, and maintenance of public spaces in the civil sector.

The combined Armed Forces of Valenowa, contrary to common micronational practice, are maintained as a genuine armed defensive organization which simultaneously serves as a corps of public workers and as a practical defense against potential threats. They maintain a consistent physical presence within the Valenian territories, and undergo continuous training and practice operations utilizing blank fire and force-on-force tactics, amongst training courses in bushcraft, hunting, camouflage, physical fitness, and defensive fortification.

Every Male and Female within Valenowa are required by law to apply for conscription upon reaching the age of 18. And although the Valenian Armed Forces maintain a policy of conscription, it is heavily regulated by the Valenian Constitution, and can only be activated in a time of war. Any representative within the Sejm of the GDV who votes in favor of activating conscription is automatically conscripted at an enlisted rank to serve until a given war's end. Conscription within the Armed Forces of Valenowa has been inactive since 2020.


Kingdom of Maltby

The micronational history of the Valenian Armed Forces dates back to 25 August 1968, and the founding of the former Kingdom of Maltby by King John III. The Maltan Royal Army, the primary military force of the Kingdom of Maltby, are widely considered to be the predecessor to the modern Valenian Armed Forces. This military force reached its peak in manpower in September 1968, with 20 enlisted men and 3 commissioned officers, not including John III, who acted as Commander-in-Chief of the Maltan Royal Army. The Maltan Royal Army saw combat deployment to Vietnam in early 1969, following a declaration of war on North Vietnam. This deployment would prove detrimental to the Maltan Royal Army. The majority of the force were killed or wounded in combat, including John III, who became a member of American military group MACV-SOG in the later stages of the war. He suffered two gunshot wounds and shrapnel wounds from an improvised trap, and would receive an honorable discharge from the United States Army in 1974, after which the Kingdom of Maltby was dissolved.

Army of the Republic and Grand Duchy of Naprzódsk

In 2019, Michał I Walenowski, grandson of John Maltby III, established the Army of the Republic as an anti-nazi force, with the assistance of then-Brigadier General William Roper. The next year, on 25 August 2020, Michał I drafted the first Constitution of the former Grand Duchy of Naprzódsk. The Napranian Royal Defense Corps was founded shortly after. It saw one deployment in late 2020 during the Aelzarian Border Crisis as a peacekeeping force, though it didn't see any armed conflict. This force was maintained, and saw a brief stint as a cyber security force during the Almendrian Civil war and the Nexan War, after which it was reformed into an ill-fated political movement called Sanguis Heroum, Latin for "Blood of Heroes."

Greater Kingdom of Naprzódsk

On 22 May 2023, Grand Duke Michał I Walenowski elevated Naprzódsk to the status of Kingdom following a sudden surge in the nation's activity. This era was short-lived, and the nation was officially dissolved in early June of 2023, although standing Napranian garrisons remained in place within the former territories of Naprzódsk and Aelzaria.


On 16 July 2023, the nation was founded again, with a unitary parliamentary republic replacing the former semi-constitutional monarchy. This came with a massive wave of modernizations for the newly-structured and refreshed military, which gradually became more commonly referred to as the Polonian Legion. This push for modernization, referred to unofficially as the Legionary Program, included new uniforms/body armor, more in-depth grooming/uniform standards, and the Nz.105P replaced the Nz.56 SKS as the standard primary armament. Many other improvements and modernization efforts were made throughout the following months, transforming the Polonian Legion from a loosely-organized militia force into a capable and well-equipped defensive force, better suited for peacetime service. The Valenian system of government would later go on to revert back to a semi-constitutional monarchy in early 2024.

The Armed Forces of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa, officially established in its current form on 21 October 2023, now serve as the primary military forces of Valenowa, and hold military and law enforcement jurisdiction over all territories of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa.


The Valenian Armed Forces are split between two cabinet commands, including Extraterritorial Command (EXCOM) and Intraterritorial Command (INCOM), which operate accordingly. The Land Forces, Cavalry Corps, and Special Operations Forces typically operate under the jurisdiction of EXCOM, while the Corps of Cadets, Gendarmerie Corps, and Civilian Corps of Engineers typically operate under the jurisdiction of INCOM. The Drone Corps is unique, in that it operates under the joint jurisdiction of EXCOM and INCOM at any given time.

Each Legion of the Valenian Armed Forces maintains their own unique rank system that hold similarities to those of NATO-aligned macronations. There are no honorary titles or ranks within the Valenian Armed Forces, and promotions/demotions are based strictly on skill and individual contribution both to the Armed Forces and Valenowa as a whole. Every member of the Armed Forces of Valenowa receive the same Basic Combat Training (BCT), in addition to other courses based on an individual's assigned Military Occupational Specialization (MOS). Passing both Basic Combat Training and Advanced Infantry Training (AIT) are requirements for being a commissioned officer within the Valenian Armed Forces.


Legion Flag Legionary Patch Type Commander
Land Forces Primary land force Michał II Valenski
Cavalry Corps Armored warfare vacant
Drone Corps Drone warfare vacant
Gendarmerie Corps Law enforcement Michał II Valenski
Corps of Cadets/Royal Scouts Youth program Dominic Mazza
Special Operations Forces Special operations Michał II Valenski
Civilian Corps of Engineers Non-combat support Jakub Szaczynski

Land Forces

The Land Forces are the primary military operational group of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa, and the oldest of the Legions. They are the direct successor to the Maltan Royal Army and Napranian Royal Defense Corps. They are the largest and most versatile of the Legions, and the main source of manpower for civil and military projects, both foreign and domestic. The vast majority of the garrisons throughout Valenowa consist of Land Forces personnel.

Cavalry Corps

The Cavalry Corps is the foremost mechanized Legion within the Valenian Armed Forces, specializing in the operation of armored vehicles and logistics to support frontline Legions. It provides crucial supplies to Areas of Operation, and ensures that the Valenian Armed Forces are consistently adequately equipped for the tasks at hand. The current fleet of the Cavalry Corps consists of 4 tractors and 1 Kr.20 Utility Task Vehicle (UTV). As of October 2023, the Cavalry Corps has begun budgeting for the purchase of a number of UAZ-469 transport cars, and a BTR-60 command vehicle, which is to be restored and refitted to carry troops and supplies.

Drone Corps

The Drone Corps is the second support Legion of the Valenian Armed Forces after the Cavalry Corps, and specializes in reconnaissance, deception, sabotage, and other forms of irregular drone warfare. As of October 2023, the Drone Corps maintains no active staff or electronics.

Corps of Cadets

The Valenian Corps of Cadets acts as an educational and constructive military experience for Valenian youth, with the goal of preparing a young individual for future service in the Valenian Armed Forces, should they so choose. The minimum voluntary recruitment age within the Corps of Cadets is 16. Youths as young as 12 are permitted to join with express consent from any and all parents/legal guardians. However the experience for those under the age of 16 is restricted mostly to educational courses revolving around the Armed Forces and their history, while those 16 and older are taught skills like basic firearms safety and marksmanship, archery, basic survival skills, and camping.

Special Operations Forces

The Special Operations Forces of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa are the second-oldest Legion within the Valenian Armed Forces. They serve as guards of the Sejm and of foreign diplomats within Valenowa, and as advisors when training foreign military forces. Many of the exact details about the Special Operations Forces of the GDV are not made available to the public.

Gendarmerie Corps

The Gendarmerie Corps of the Grand Duchy of Valenowa serve as law enforcement for both military and civilian sectors, and as courthouse guards during judicial proceedings. They act under the direct jurisdiction of the High Judiciary, and are the only Legion with the authority to make arrests and serve warrants within the Valenian territories. In addition, they act as a reserve ground force to support the Polonian Legion should the need arise.

Civilian Corps of Engineers

The only non-uniformed Legion, the Civilian Corps of Engineers serves as non-combat infrastructural support for the military and civilian sectors. They serve as the primary source of manpower for projects like forts, schools, public works buildings, and other state infrastructure. Instead of Basic Combat Training, Legionaries of the Civilian Corps of Engineers receive training in carpentry, architecture, contracting, and basic combat engineering. They are the only Legion that cannot be mobilized in wartime.