Alejandro Whyatt

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Alejandro Whyatt Miranda
Alejandro Whyatt at the Abelden December Election
19th Vorsitzender of the Abeldane Empire
Assumed office
April 9, 2018
Monarch Nicholas I
Stellvertreter vacant
Predecessor Patrick Renwick
Personal information
Born 10 June 1999 (1999-06-10) (age 25)
Alicante, Spain
Citizenship Abeldene, Mercia
Religion Atheism

Political Career


Whyatt joined Mercia at its very inception coming along from when it was the St Peter’s Republic. Whyatt would later form the HPA with personal friend Newton von Uberquie. The HPA had moderate success, making Whyatt and Newton MP’s despite both thinking they would be lucky to get one seat. As Mercia politics progressed the Humanist ideology of the HPA was very limited and as policy areas expanded it was clear than neither Uberquie nor Whyatt could function within the same party. Newton wen on to form the Green Socialist Party and Whyatt formed the People’s Democratic Party based on his own defined ideology at the time. The PDP was again relatively successful in its first election. Of the eleven seats contested, this gave the National Liberals five seats, the People's Democratic Party three seats, the Social Democrats two seats, and gave Baron von Uberquie, the Independent Green Socialist, the last seat. During the August by-election two more seats were won by the PDP and therefore gave the PDP a plurality of 5 of the 11 seats beating the ruling NLP party even further into the shadows. The new coalition was somewhat short-lived. Although large amounts of legislative reforms took place Whyatt was unable to implement his country building strategy nor his guilds systems as the Green Socialists under Newton decided to leave the coalition and join the NLP. The NLP also took PDP member Henry Twain. Whilst on holiday Whyatt heard the news of the vote of no confidence. Although the PDP could have easily called a vote of no confidence on the NLP the week after Whyatt decided to leave the party running up to his trusted deputy Hugh Mcfarlane, who subsequently decided to dissolve the party and form the UFP. Since Whyatt’s leave Mercia fell into a state of stagnation following a poorly led Eden administration and then a Newton led administration which would sink into inactivity and so lay dormant until the beginning of 2018. With many Mercian’s applying themselves to the empire of Ableden as Whyatt himself did.


After joining Abelden Whyatt was relatively inactive until one month prior to the December election whereby Whyatt spontaneously decided on a return to politics. Wanting to once again forma party around his own beliefs. He went onto form the Nationalist Federalist Party with Michael Thomas Brazaue. Although notorious; Whyatt new little about Brazaue at the formation of the NFP. After very heavy campaigning the new party seemed to poll respectably from between 10% and 27% showing real promise for the party which made its ideology clear as: Nationalist and Third position. The NFP had only 4 members when coming into the week voting with only 3 weeks of campaigning. It gained 8 votes in the RVS elections gaining 17.4% of the vote. Whyatt himself ran for Vorsitsender and gained 12 votes and 21.82%. By which time of the Vorsit election the Party had 6 members, although one was unable to vote in any of the elections. Whyatt was highly surprised by its electoral breakthrough gaining 3 seats and promised 2 cabinet positions by the URP. Whyatt currently serves as Foreign Minister and is planning to completely overhaul and re-define Abelden relations.

On the 24th of March 2018 on the abdicated of Emperor Stephen II, Whyatt was made Marquis of Holmstein