United Fioletovaya Socialist Henillion Republics

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United Fioletovaya Socialist Henillion Republics
Союз Фиолетовая Социалистической Гениллионной Республики (Russian)
Flag of United Fioletovaya Socialist Henillion Republics
Motto: Развивайте народный союз (Russian)
(English:"Grow the People's Union")
Anthem: Давайте расти союз (Russian)
(English:"Let's Grow the Union!")
and largest city
Official languagesRussian, English, Spanish, Navajo
Recognized languagesNative American languages
Demonym(s)Soviet Henillionist
GovernmentFederal Soviet Fioletovaya Henillionist socialist republic
• Leader
Voschik Nevoky III
• Prime Minister
Petr Kovchavik
• Elite
Grigoriy Kuzubov
• General Speaker
Forrest Kerpinsky
• Chief
Ustin Kochenkov
• Independence
5th April 2019
• Renamed to Henillion
20 April 2021
• Fioletovaya Party coup success
31 July 2024
• 2023 estimate
• 2020 census
GDP (PPP)2021 estimate
• Total
$2.245 trillion
• Per capita
GDP (nominal)2021 estimate
• Total
$1.45 trillion
• Per capita
Gini (2021)24.5
HDI (2021)0.787
CurrencySoviet Henillion ruble ($)
Time zoneUTC−07:00 (MST)
Date formatmm/dd/yyyy
Driving sideright
Preceded by
Union of Soviet Socialist Henillion Republics

The Soviet Henillion Union, officially the United Fioletovaya Socialist Henillion Republics (UFSHR), is a micronation primarily located in the states of New Mexico and Arizona. After the 2024 Fioletovaya coup d'état attempt, the Fioletovaya Party renamed the country and establish Voschik Nevoky III as their leader

Soviet Fioletovaya Henillion Union has an estimated population of 5.71 million. It has twenty-six federal subjects and four federal cities. It is home to Native Americans in New Mexico and Arizona.



The Soviet Henillion Union has and is been home to Native American tribes. These tribes include the Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Ute, and Pueblo tribes. Before colonization from Spain, people known as the Anasazi built pueblos and cave dwellings such as Pueblo Bonito and Cliff Palace.

Spanish colonialization (1598 - 1821)

From 1598 to 1821, this land was part of the province of Santa Fe de Nuevo México in New Spain. In 1642 the town of Rodadora was established. Rodadora would later become Sedimenya. El Camino Real didn't cross through Rodadora, making it not used as much. In 1707, the militia in Rodadora would drive out the Apache from the town from constant raiding.

Mexico and America (1821 - 2019)

After Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821, Mexico had control of Rodadora. A rebellion started in Rodadora in the year 1827 as a pro-Spanish movement known as the Montes's Rebellion. The Rebellion would be destroyed in 1829.

United States

In 1846, after Mexico ceded the territory to the United States, Rodadora would become an American town. In 1847, A trade route was made crossing through Rodadora, giving an economic boost. During the Civil War the town was used as a supply base against the Confederates. The town was closely invaded in the Battle of Rodadora won by the Union. In 1872, The town suffered from a droughtwhich ended in 1873. In 1880, a railway was built around Rodadora, and in the same year, the local Police was established.

Rutledge's gang

A known outlaw gang was created in 1881 known as Rutledge's gang, would rob and raid in and the surrounding areas of Rodadora for 19 years, ending in 1900. In 1884, the infamous bank robbing took place, caused by Rutledge's gang, and in 1889, A train robbery took place during a celebrity tour to Rodadora.


A coal mine would be built around Rodador in 1899. A railroad company was built in 1907 in Rodador. In 1915 the town would build their first town hall and be incorporated. In 1917, the first factories were built including car manufacturers.

Soviet MiniVeet Union (2019 - 2021)

In 2019, the Soviet MiniVeet Union was founded. A small rebellion led by Voschik Nevoky and Mark Sedimenya would establish this country. In 2020, Nevoky renamed the city of Rodador to Sedimenya to celebrate Mark's birthday on April 21.

USSHR (2021-2024)

The Soviet MiniVeet Union was renamed on April 20 2021 following Henillion's name change

Khlebov's Rebellion

On April 28, 2021, A man named Gergorgy Khlebov started a rebellion against the Soviet Henillion government, believing they had harsh terms despite him wanting a controlling government. The rebellion was later put down by an assassination of Khlebov on May 19, 2021.

Tasiklian War

On the 18th of May 2021, the Soviet Henillion Union declared war on the Republic of Tasikly for assisting a rebellion the Khlebov's Rebellion. Tasikly claimed that the rebellion was fighting for change and endorse Khlebov's proposal for a controlling government saying that it was best for the people. The capital of Tasikly was stormed by the Soviet Henillion infantry division aswell as the tank division. The Treaty of Torregoza was set with the terms of Tasikly cut their aid from the rebellion and pay war reparations to end the rebellion. The war had only lasted 3 weeks with no deaths. Tasikly ended their payment after the rebellion was put down and now remains in debt and a economic crisis.

Imperialism (2021 - Ongoing)

Grandaturian War

On 17 June 2021, the Soviet Henillion Union once again declared war on another nation known as Grandatur. The Soviet Henillionists wanted some of their rich oil from Grandatur. The Soviet Henillionists attempted to persuade the Grandaturian government in a trade by giving them money for oil. Grandatur did not comply and stated that the would declare war if the continue and behalf of Tasikly. The Soviet Henillion Union soon declared war first on the nation. They quickly invaded all major factories and oil derricks. Grandatur had a heavy defeat against the growing nation and sued for peace. The Treaty of Castiruña stated the terms, having The Soviet Henillionist claim the land from Grandatur and claim money from the government under control. A small resistance formed, but later destroyed. The war only lasted a week.

Civil War

During Voschik Nevoky's control, he had executed those who opposed him or supported his opponents. During this time, many people lied against others saying they hated the regime was practiced. Those who were accused were executed for treason. The government wanted to remove him, but they found it difficult. Many government officials would also be executed. Mark Sedimenya became favored by the government but kept his opinion secret.

Government officals and military personnel would storm Nevoky's residence and brought him out. Mark Sedimenya easily gained control of the nation and soon deported Nevoky. Some people did not favor this. These people left the Union to form their's known as the Union of Soviet Nevokia on July 24th. They chose their leader, Nevoky, was was founded in the United States. The people would declare war causing the first Civil War. The Soviet Nevokist would capture major cities but later blundered in one of the assaults on Naninsk causing the Soviet Henillion Union to capture non defensive cities. They surrounded the capital and forced a surrender. The Soviet Nevokist were pardoned and were set home and banned Nevoky from entering the contry.

War on Hapan

On September 11th, The Soviet Henillion Union wanted the rich iron from Hapan, an island. The Soviet Henillion declared war and blockaded the island. They landed in costal cities and the capital Yamochi and seized the Prime Minister of Hapan. Hapan suffered a significant defeat. The Treaty of Naranse had stated the island of Hapan would be ceded to the Union, pay war reparations, and force the abdication of the Emperor. A resistance formed within Hapan. They quickly gained control of a fort but were killed by the Soviet Henillionists. After a weak battle with the resistance, the Union was forced to split Hapan into North Hapan, a communist state, and South Hapan, a democratic state, as a result from the resistance being unable to be put down.

Both North and South Hapan soon declared war on each other. The Union and their old ally, Gojang would join the war with the North, and two other nations, Wethonia and Tasikly joined with the South. This war would be known as the Hapanese War, or the 27th Parallel War. Both the North and the South had their cities heavily bombed. Tasikly cut aid and support from Hapan during the economic crisis. Gojang would later leave the war. Currently these nation are still at war, but are proposing a peace treaty.

War on Gojang

The Soviet Henillion Union and Gojang had previously been violating their Treaty. Both nations started to fear each other. Gojang attacked one of the Union's militaTreaty in Arbusto. This triggered a war known as the Soviet Henillion-Gojang War. The Soviet Henillionists claimed major cities and the capital of Gojang. On January 30th, the Treaty of Bájon was signed and would have Gojang pay war reparations and a truce until 2070. Gojang is in a financial and economic crisis and are in debt.

July Fioletovaya Mass Riots

An ongoing mass riot occurred on July 7 from the Fioletovaya Party due to the 2024 election results. On July 23, a Soviet Henillionist Party had attacked and destroyed from protesters from the Fioletovaya Party. Police and some Military personnel arrested an estimated 7000. The rioters goals are to remove Viktor Borzilov from position and establish Voschik Nevoky III has their leader. On July 24th, They vandalized several museums in the capital. On July 27, the Fioletovaya Party attacked a senator in San Luis, who advocated for the dissolution of the Fioletovaya Party.

Founding (2024)

Fioletovaya coup d'état attempt

On July 28th, the Fioletovaya launched an attack on all major cities in the Soviet Henillion Union. The Fioletovaya attacked several government buildings in Sedimenya, burned an embassy in Naninsk, Robbed a civilian train in Los Arboles, and Blew up a company building for funding the Soviet Henillionist Party in Vorotrov. On July 29th, a Fioletovaya arson attacked occurred in the Soviet Henillion Congress. On July 31st, the Fioletovaya Party layed seiged on Viktor Borzilov's residence and assumed Voschik Nevoky III into office.


The USSHR is a landlocked country located within the states of New Mexico to the west, and Arizona to the east. It is in two regions known as the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range Province. The capital, Sedimenya, is in the Colorado Plateau. The closest rivers are the Rio Grande to the east, and the San Juan River to the north. A well-known monadnock in the region is known as Shiprock or, "Tsé Bitʼaʼí" in the Navajo language. The nearest canyon to the country is Canyon de Chelly.

Government and Politics

The government in the Soviet Henillion Union is a federal, Soviet Henillionist, one-party, socialist dictatorship of 30 federal subjects. The Soviet Henillion Union Constitution serves as the country's supreme law. The country is currently led by Voschik Nevoky III. The country has almost an American-like legislature, and system, but uses communist and socialistic principles. In 2024 the Soviet Henillion Union would had its first election known as the 2024 Soviet Henillian leader election.

National Government

The Government is divided into three branches, the Executive, Legislative, and the Judicial branch all headquartered in Sedimenya.

Political parties

Political parties started to be developed in 2023. With the Soviet Henillionist Party was the primary party, and the Soviet Nevokist Party as secondary and serves principles and laws by the first leader Voschik Nevoky. Later, more parties began to develop. Two parties that were later develop became a major part of politics. The Fioletovaya Party, which is the current political party that the Soviet Henillion Union is based upon and the Soviet Henillion Liberals as the least major. After the February Fioletovaya coup, the Soviet Henillion Party was dissolved, the Ricard of Soviet Henillion party became the new least major party.

List of the 4 major parties of the Soviet Henillion Union
Name Leader Created In Senate In Assembly
Fioletovaya Party Voschik Nevoky III 20 August 2023
55 / 150
121 / 300
Soviet Nevokist Eduard Valevach 23 April 2023
33 / 150
75 / 300
Soviet Henillion Liberals Miguel Krylov 21 August 2023
22 / 150
42 / 300
Ricards of Soviet Henillion Leonard Gicquel 15 September 2023
10 / 150
20 / 300

Foreign relations

They used to have good relations with Gojang, but not anymore due to treaties being broken.

Politial Subdivisions

Soviet Henillion Union is broken up into thirty Federal subjects. There are fifteen Oblasts, seven Krais, four republics, and four Federal Cities. Each subject has a governor of their own. The governors are chosen by the Leader of the Soviet Henillion Union or the Soviet Henillion Senate.

Federal Subjects


  1. Arbusto
  2. Botadero
  3. Caldera
  4. Colina de Oro
  5. Gorodokia
  6. Hernandez
  7. Matagorda
  8. Mesa
  9. Oriole
  10. Pintado
  11. San Benito
  12. San Luis
  13. San Mateo
  14. San Miguel
  15. Valentine


  1. Colorado
  2. Guadalupe
  3. Lago de Laguna
  4. Santa Maria
  5. Santa Ana
  6. Turquoise
  7. San Jorge


  1. Goroia
  2. Rekia
  3. Travia
  4. Cuenca

Federal Cities

  1. Los Arboles
  2. Vorotrov
  3. Odiratov
  4. Sedimenya


There are currently 23,000 Military personnel in the country. The military is divided into 4 branches: The Army, Air Force, Navy, and Rocket Force which are administrated in the capital.


The culture of the Soviet Henillion Union reflects Russian, American, Spanish, and Navajo cultures. The Soviet Henillion Union does have a culture


The main news sources are the Soviet Henillion National News and the Soviet Henillion Times. Media is not controlled by the Leader but the owners of the news and app owners. Many Apps from around the world are freely accessed to all people in the nation. People from the nation can easily access world wide news.


Many Soviet Henillionists enjoy watching and playing American Football, and sometimes Basketball. The country created a league for American football known as the Soviet Henillion Football League (SHFL). The SHFL currently has 20 teams. Currently, there is no league for Basketball. A common variation of Basketball in the west is currently known as Rezball.


One of the popular meats in the country is spam. Spam is widely popular among the Navajos. Navajo staple foods are also common in the Soviet Henillion Union such as frybread. Dishes from Russia such as borscht or pirozhki have sometimes spam in them. The country also drinks tea every day. Tea is a very well-known drink in the country. Mostly American characteristic foods are mostly eaten in the nation such as hamburgers, hot dogs, and introduces many American fast-food chains.


The country mostly shares and celebrates most American holidays. They also celebrate religious holidays such as Christmas and Easter. On the 5th of April, they celebrate their independence from the United States.