Democratic Republic of Uclea

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The Democratic Republic of Uclea
Woking, United Kingdom
and largest city
Official languagesEnglish, German, Artestablian (Uclean Dialect)
GovernmentDemocracy, President
• Queen
Queen Peyton I
• President
Amada Merþedes
• (as of 2020 estimate) census
Time zone(UTC)
This nation is a member of the Micronation Union of England

The Democratic Republic of Uclea is a micronation founded on 10 February 2019.


On the 18th Feb 2019 The Democratic Republic of Uclea split into two micronations, over difficulties with land. This was when West Uclea was founded, and it was 2 days later the Micronation Union of England was formed.

Government and politics

Uclea has a system very similar to Talossa's, except there is only one house.

Law and order

All Police force are from the Micronation Union of England. The laws are commonly MUE laws brought in. The only law that is different is the "Uclea Actually Has Privacy Act", this act is similar to GDPR except it is stricter in some aspects, for example software has to give you an option to send no data, and as such Windows 10 and Facebook can't actually be sold in Uclea.

Foreign relations

The Micronation Union of England keeps peace and we have free trade and movement of people between these states. Uclea is closely linked to Lathinie, and Amada has been with friends with [Krishna Kler | Krishna] before they worked on Micronational endeavours.


The Micronation Union of England provide forces for war.


The NanoCoin from the Micronation Union of England was adopted.


We have an intranet that provides IPTV and radio. The USC is the national broadcaster.

See also