Talk:Commonwealth of Ottawa

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Latest comment: 12 January 2022 by Parliament in topic Parliament's Answer
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MicroProject Ohio (Rated Start-class, High-importance)
WikiProject iconThis article is within the scope of MicroProject Ohio, a collaborate, user led, effort to improve the coverage of topics relating to Micronationalism in Ohio on MicroWiki. If you would like to participate, please visit the project page, where you can join the discussion and see a list of open tasks.
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Hello! I am King Anonymous of Suttornland. Suttornland is currently planning a successor state right now, but when that does come about in late January, it will be important for the new state to have multiple diplomatic relations with other micronations. If you are interested, ping ch061 on the Microwiki Discord or email, or just respond here.

Parliament's Answer

Mind if I say sir, welcome to the Commonwealth of Ottawa! Let me greet myself. My name (online) is Parliament, and i'm a person that has helped to create this nation, with help from the current king, Kanada. Although I do not have the current permission to answer you, your request will be brought to be debated in the Aristocrat Parliament, and that will be brought to the king. Although I am highly supportive of this idea. Good luck, and may god bless us all!

Signed, Parliament (talk) 00:40, 12 January 2022 (UTC)Reply[reply]

hello this is the current king king kanada I i should like to personally say that any one that would like and alliance of peace is welcome for we are a peaceful micronation if any one would like it sign on this talk page from king kanada I

sign here