Sweet-henry I

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Sweet-Henry I

King of the Most Serene Kingdom of Boyland

Reign September 28, 2021-current
Coronation September 28, 2021
Predecessor position created
Full name
Born April 8th, 2007

Boytown, Boyland

Occupation King
Religion Boytownian Catholic Church

Sweet-henry I is the current king of Boyland after taking power after the Tuesday Revolt .

Early life/pre-revolt

Not much is known about his early life other then the following: Sweet-Henry was born a slave during the Fourteen-Year Misery and, as per law, was banned from learning to read however discovered books before they were burned and taught himself to read and write, he used this skill to read books and convinced the local peasants to revolt against the Dictator-King Matt I, after it was successful he was named king.


as king he made the monarchy a Constitutional monarchy to make sure nothimng like the fourteen-years misery ever happened again.