Schwefling Congress

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Schwefling Congress
Legislature of the Oligarchic Republic of Schwefling
Coat of arms or logo
Nolin Skeflir
since June 2010
Vice President
Louiop Smith
Last election
June 2010

The Schwefling Congress is the Chief Legislature of the Oligarchic Republic of Schwefling. It has complete control over the Schweflingian Government. Each member of the Congress is also in charge of one of the Schweflingian provinces.


The president of Schwefling is in charge of the Schwefling Congress. While the position is mostly symbolic, the president does hold some power. If the Congress votes on something and both sides have an even number of votes, the side with the president's vote wins. The president also has the power to appoint and fire government ministers, and change the duties of ministers. The current president is Skeflir I.

Vice President

The vice president acts as an adviser and assistant to the president. when the president is too busy to do something, he will generally have the vice president do it. The vice president also acts as the governor of of Schwefling's capital, Warrice.

Minister of Foreign Affairs

The minister of Foreign Affairs in in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as whatever province he is from. The Minister holds no special powers in the Congress.

Minister of the Armed Forces

The Minister of the Armed Forces is in Charge of The Ministry of the Armed Forces, as well as whatever province he represents. The Minister has no special powers within the Congress.

Other Governors

These are the people that are not in charge of any government ministry, but represent their native provinces in the Congress. they have no special powers in the Congress.


If there is ever a time when someone wants to start a project or create a law within the Micronation, they must first submit it to the Schwefling Congress. the Congress discusses the idea, then votes on it.


The President and Vice President have the ability to replace a governor with someone else whenever they are both in agreement. Governors are appointed by the President. The President may remain President for as long as he likes unless a citizen challenges him, then an election is held between the current president and the challenger.