Republic of the Auxarcs

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Republic of the Auxarcs
Flag of Republic of the Auxarcs
Motto: Nature, Community, Strength.
Anthem: "Leaving the Fort"
Area claimed by the Republic of the Auxarcs
Area claimed by the Republic of the Auxarcs
and largest city
Official languagesEnglish, German
Recognized languagesEnglish, German, Spanish, Chinese
GovernmentConstitutional Republic
• President
Nathan Smith
• Vice President
Joseph Majano
• Representative Speaker
Violet Abraham
• Senate Majority Leader
• Secretary of Defence
Dylan Franco
• Supreme Court Justice
William Smith
LegislatureThe National Assembly
The Auxarcs Representatives
Senate of the Auxarcs
• Declaration
Feb. 3rd, 2024
• Constitution
Feb. 5th, 2024
• Total
1,560 km2 (600 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2024 estimate
Preceded by
Republic of Alomorie
Grand Republic of Valoria
United States

The Auxarcs, officially known as the Republic of the Auxarcs, or its abbreviation ROTA, is a micronation founded from Boone County, Arkansas, by Nathan Smith. This micronation is not recognized by any foreign power, both micronational or otherwise, and continues to proclaim its sovereignty to this day. It has 14 states, and 10 territories, and is the founding member of the Micronations of the Ozarks.


On February 3rd. 2024, the Republic of the Auxarcs was founded by former president of the Republic of Alomorie, and the Grand Republic of Valoria, Nathan Smith. As well as him, there were four more people that aided in the creation of the Republic of the Auxarcs, those being Joseph Majano, Violet Abraham, Dylan Franco and Isaac Majano. After the signing of the Declaration of Independence, theses five people became The Auxarcs' founders. Just like the creation of the ROA, the Republic of the Auxarcs' creation was inspired by the micronations that have inspired many others, those being the Republic of Molossia, the Principality of Sealand, the Principality of Hutt River, The Kingdom of Ruritania, and many others. The name Auxarcs comes from the French abbreviation "aux Arcs" which is a shortened form of "aux Arcansas", meaning "of/at/to the Arkansas (Quapaw)" and represents the geography of the land that the Auxarcs governs, which is the Ozarks, specifically Northern Arkansas. The country was created as a "Part 2" of the Republic of Alomorie, and used Valoria and Alomorie's former claims of Boone County, Arkansas and some of its territories as a starting point of sovereignty. But in order to do this, Nathan Smith had to find a loophole in the dissolution documents for the Republic of Alomorie and the Grand Republic of Valoria. That loophole was the fact that in the secession documents, both of their claims of Boone County, Arkansas were not listed, as well as some of their claimed territories. From that, the possibility of a new nation was then acted upon.

Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence of the Republic of the Auxarcs. Signed by Nathan Smith, Jason Smith, Joseph Majano, and Violet Abraham.

The Declaration of Independence was signed and ratified on February 3rd, 2024. Written by Nathan Smith, it is the first document of The Auxarcs, and is the first piece of legislation for the republic. Using U.S Declaration of Independence as inspiration, The Auxarcs' Declaration of Independence (DOI) was written with the values of the people of The Auxarcs in mind. Declaring its independence and sovereignty from the United States, and to set the foundations of its values and cultures, this document marks the beginning of the Republic of the Auxarcs. Below is an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of the Auxarcs:

We, the people of the Republic of the Auxarcs,

In the timeless pursuit of liberty and self-determination, we, the diverse and resolute people of the Republic of the Auxarcs, stand united in the solemn act of declaring our independence from all forms of external domination and oppression. With hearts fortified by the flames of justice and minds illuminated by the virtues of freedom, we hereby solemnly proclaim the establishment of our sovereign nation, endowed with the sacred rights and responsibilities inherent to all sovereign states.

Born from the crucible of history and forged in the fires of struggle, our nation emerges as a testament to the indomitable spirit of human endeavor. With unwavering resolve, we embrace the principles of democracy, equality, and solidarity as the cornerstones of our fledgling republic, affirming the inalienable rights of every individual to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


Constitution of the Republic of the Auxarcs
Page one of the Constitution of the ROTA
JurisdictionRepublic of the Auxarcs
CreatedFebruary 5, 2024
Date effectiveFebruary 5, 2024
Government structure
Head of statePresident
ChambersNational Assembly
JudiciarySupreme Court
Author(s)Nathan Smith
Signatories8 delegates
Media typeDigital Parchment

The Constitution of the Republic of the Auxarcs was created and signed on February 5th. 2024. It was signed by Nathan Smith, Jason Smith, Joseph Majano, Isaac Majano, Violet Abraham, Julian Selby, and Sarah Norman. For symbolic nature, Jason Smith was asked to sign the Constitution, given the fact that he was a major key factor in the creation of the Republic of Alomorie. As of now, Jason Smith assures that, other than this signing, he will not be a part of the Republic of the Auxarcs. It was written by Nathan Smith, using the U.S Constitution as inspiration. Below is an excerpt from the Constitution, Preamble - Article 3;


We, the people of the Auxarcs, united in our diversity, aspirations, and commitment to justice and progress, hereby establish this Constitution to govern our nation, secure the rights and welfare of all citizens, and ensure the sustainable development and prosperity of our society for generations to come.

Article 1: Structure of Government

1.1. The Government of Auxarcs shall be organized into three co-equal branches: the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial, each with distinct powers and responsibilities to safeguard the principles of democracy, rule of law, and human dignity.

1.2. The separation of powers among the branches of government shall serve as a safeguard against tyranny, ensuring accountability, checks and balances, and the equitable distribution of authority.

Article 2: The Legislative Assembly

2.1. The Legislative Assembly of the Auxarcs, hereinafter referred to as the Assembly, shall be the supreme legislative body, composed of representatives elected by the citizens through free and fair elections conducted at regular intervals.

2.2. The Assembly shall have the authority to enact laws, levy taxes, allocate resources, and oversee the functioning of government agencies in accordance with the principles of transparency, accountability, and public interest.

2.3. The Assembly shall reflect the diversity of Auxarcs, ensuring proportional representation of all communities, regions, and interests, while promoting inclusivity, pluralism, and civic engagement.

Article 3: The Executive Council

3.1. The Executive Council of the Auxarcs, hereinafter referred to as the Council, shall be headed by a President and a Vice President, elected by the citizens in a national election held every six years, with a limit of two consecutive terms.

3.2. The President shall serve as the head of state and government, responsible for the execution of laws, formulation and implementation of policies, conduct of foreign relations, and preservation of national security and sovereignty.

3.3. The Vice President shall support the President in their duties, assume the role of Acting President in the President's absence or incapacity, and undertake such additional responsibilities as delegated by the President or prescribed by law.

3.4 The President, and all government leaders, both civil and national, shall be responsible for their commitment of this Constitution, and may be removed from office if they fail to do so, with a popular vote within the Legislative, as well as a 51% minimum majority voted on by the people of The Auxarcs.


National Assembly/Capital Building - Harrison, LR

The Republic of Auxarcs has a robust and dynamic governmental system that is designed to uphold democratic principles, ensure the well-being of its citizens, and facilitate efficient governance. As a beacon of stability and progress in the region, the government of the Auxarcs is structured to provide representation, accountability, and responsiveness to its people.

Executive Branch

At the helm of the executive branch is the President of Auxarcs, who serves as both the head of state and government. Elected through a democratic process, the President is entrusted with the responsibility of implementing policies, overseeing the administration, and representing the nation on the global stage. Assisting the President is the Vice President, as well as various ministries and departments, each headed by a minister appointed by the President to manage specific sectors such as finance, defense, health, education, and infrastructure.

Legislative Branch

The legislative authority in the Auxarcs resides in the Auxarcs National Assembly, a unicameral body composed of the Senate and Representatives, which are from across the nation. The members of the National Assembly, known as deputies, are elected through a proportional representation system, ensuring fair representation of diverse viewpoints and interests. The primary function of the National Assembly is to enact laws, scrutinize government actions, and allocate resources through the budgetary process. Additionally, it serves as a forum for debate and deliberation on matters of national importance.

Judicial Branch

The judiciary in the Auxarcs operates independently to uphold the rule of law and administer justice impartially. The Supreme Court of the Auxarcs is the highest judicial authority in the country, responsible for interpreting the constitution, resolving disputes, and ensuring adherence to legal principles. Beneath the Supreme Court are lower courts, including appellate courts and district courts, which handle a range of civil, criminal, and administrative cases. Judges are appointed based on their qualifications and expertise, with a commitment to fairness and impartiality.

State Governments

The Republic of the Auxarcs is divided into 12 states, each governed by state authorities responsible for managing public services, infrastructure, and development projects at the grassroots level. These state governments operate under the framework established by the central government but possess a degree of autonomy to address the specific needs and priorities of their respective communities. Through elected Governors and state Senators, state governments play a crucial role in fostering civic engagement, promoting state initiatives, and ensuring responsive governance.

Democratic Principles and Civil Liberties

Central to the government of the Auxarcs are the principles of democracy, human rights, and civil liberties. The constitution guarantees fundamental freedoms such as freedom of speech, assembly, and religion, while also safeguarding the rights of minorities and marginalized groups. Elections are held regularly and conducted in a free and fair manner, allowing citizens to participate in the democratic process and hold their representatives accountable. Moreover, an active civil society, independent media, and robust institutions contribute to a vibrant democracy and pluralistic society in the Auxarcs.

Ridgedale and Allegheny Statehood

The admission of Ridgedale and Allegheny to the Republic of the Auxarcs in June 2024 marked a significant territorial expansion for the Republic of the Auxarcs. Ridgedale, previously a town in Missouri, and Allegheny, comprising the northern panhandle of West Virginia, sought statehood to better align with the cultural and political framework of the Auxarcs. Both regions presented petitions demonstrating broad local support, leading to a favorable vote by the Senate of the Auxarcs. Ridgedale's admission was approved on June 10, with a 42-8 vote, while Allegheny's followed on June 14, passing by 39-11. These additions brought new legislative representation and resources to the Republic, reflecting its commitment to inclusive governance and regional identity. The successful integration of Ridgedale and Allegheny into the Republic of the Auxarcs involved a series of constitutional amendments and legislative measures. These included allocating two senators and proportional representation in the lower house for each new state, as well as the establishment of state governments consistent with the Republic's principles. The transition process also entailed resource allocation to support infrastructure, public services, and governance in the new states. These additions not only enhance the Republic's demographic and geographical diversity, but also strengthened its political cohesion and economic capabilities, setting a precedent for future expansions.


Alternate flag of the ROTA

The flag of the Republic of the Auxarcs was created by Nathan Smith. The flag consists of three fields, one of which is blue, with a white 12-pointed star located within. The 12-pointed star represents the first 12 states of the Republic of the Auxarcs. As well as this, there is a green bar located on the very left of the flag, which represents the nature of the area, the Ozarks. The white stripe in-between both fields represents the community that the Ozarks houses, which among many things, is one of the nicest communities around the whole area. There is also an alternative flag, which consists of the seal, placed on top of the 12-pointed star. This flag is only used for International purposes.


The Republic of the Auxarcs currently has 14 states. All of these states were previously claimed by the Republic of Alomorie, as territories consisting of all of Boone County, Arkansas. During the time that it was claimed by the ROA, Boone County had only been split up into its individual townships, and not states. Now, The Republic of the Auxarcs has claimed that former land, and has formally turned those townships into partial-status states.