Republic of Pacifico

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Republic of Pacifico
Flag of Pacifico
Coat of arms of Pacifico
Coat of arms
Motto: "E Pluribus Unum"
"Out of Many, One"
Anthem: "The song of Pacifico"
Location of Pacifico
CapitalPacifico City
Ethnic groups
  • 71.429% British
  • 19.048% Spanish
  • 4.762% Singaporean
  • 4.762% Ukrainian
GovernmentParliamentary Republic
• Independence
15 July 2023
• Constitution ratified
18 July 2023
Time zoneUTC+0 (GMT)
• Summer (DST)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideleft
Calling code+44
Preceded by
Succeeded by
United Kingdom
Empire of Pacifico

Pacifico, officially known as the Parliamentary Republic of Pacifico, was a self-declared autonomous sovereign state, or a micronation, located entirely within the United Kingdom, with territories mostly spread throughout the city of Gloucester. It was a federal, parliamentary nation. The country declared its independence from the United Kingdom on 15 July 2023, as the Republic of Soragal, which reformed into the Holy Mincar Empire, which reformed into The Republic of Pacifico. It consisted of 9 states, 8 of which were located within the county of Gloucestershire, 1 located on the Isle of Wight (Hampshire). As of 2024, Pacifico had 21 citizens.

Pacifico was created as a result of the DJ Empire. The Empire was discontinued in early 2023 due to important documents being leaked and seized by a higher authority. 4 months after the Empire being dissolved, Pacifico was created and instantly eliminated all opposition in its area. On 22 May 2024, the nation experienced a transition of form of government, from Republic to Empire.

Most of the residents in Pacifico were either Spanish or British citizens and only 7 people lived in mainland Pacifico. The other 13 people lived in Pacifican colonies as a result of the Act of Territorial Gains.


The End of the DJ Empire

On 16 March 2024, the Empirian Civil War ended with a peace treaty. The last signant leaned back on their chair to give the current Emperor of Pacifico the peace treaty back to validate and approve the signing. But, in the process, someone of higher authority spotted that person leaning back on their chair and seized the paper. 1 hour later, having fully read and understood it, the person with higher authority told everyone involved in the treaty to go outside the room for a 'second'. That 'second' would cost the entire DJ Empire. The person mentioned that the treaty sounded like a dictatorship, when actually, the Empire was very democratic, allowing its citizens to vote. Upon hearing this, everyone was confused. But no one dared to question that person. After the 'second', feeling pressured to do so, the Emperor dissolved the DJ Empire, saying his final goodbye.

First Era

Four months after the incident, the President decided to create another country. This time, he understood the dangers of high-authority figures. He named it the Republic of Soragal, started it in his bedroom, and got to work. Within 10 minutes, he knew the country needed more land, so he recruited a military. After 5 minutes, the army was ready to invade. He devised a strategy, based on the Schlieffen Plan and Blitzkrieg tactics. He started by invading nearby rooms, mainly focusing on the inner regions. Once he had enough troops, he would invade the outer regions. But then came the kitchen area (now Terrinal) where they were met with actual opposition. The battle plan wasn't anything special, but the President knew it would work. And it did. He had now conquered his entire house. Thirty minutes after creation, a permanent population was established. After this, he set up administrative regions and new laws, all within the space of 45 minutes. On 16 July 2023, the country's official name was changed to The Holy Mincar Empire, because of its territorial gains. The next day, the advisor to the President (Vice President) was appointed. On the same day, the name of the country was changed to what it is now (Pacifico). In August, nothing changed apart from the official name being changed to the Parliamentary Republic of Pacifico. In September 2024, Pacifico saw significant changes: 1. Its population rose from 5 to 24. 2. Pacifico was planning to make a law that would simply state that if you were a citizen of Pacifico, your house was automatically part of Pacifico. 3. Modern and efficient states were created, making Pacifico easier to manage. 4. Pacifico introduced new legislation, making the country more stable.

Second Era

In 2024, Pacifico had acquired new lands which eventually became the de facto Parliament, a convenient location for leaders to meet. However, the idea of in-person meetings faded over time. The President and Vice President began using Google Meet on Tuesdays at 3:00 PM GMT to discuss matters of state. On 28 April, the President proposed an act to significantly accelerate Pacifico's territorial expansion. 30 April saw the introduction of Pacifico's first military force. The "Triangle Man Clan" merged with the existing military to form the New Pacifican Military.

1 May brought the establishment of a governmental hierarchy for Pacifico, outlining roles and the line of presidential succession. On 2 May, a Pacifican citizen left the nation to found their own, the Democratic Realm of Pacifists. The Pacifican government severed trade relations and refused recognition of the new nation. An exception was made in the form of a peace treaty, to prevent potential war. Despite the lack of recognition, the President maintained relations with the new nation. 5 May marked a historic moment with the signing of an alliance between the two countries, ensuring lasting peace. The official signing occurred on 7 May. On 10 May, the Vice President and President Pro Tempore departed Pacifico, fearing the President held too much power. The President responded with a compromise, proposing equal standing for the three most important figures in government. This formally transformed Pacifico into a triumvirate. This agreement averted a potential national crisis.

13 May 2024 saw the President declare a state visit to Portugalete, Spain. 14 May brought the creation of a clan named "Knockback Nemofists" by the Vice President and President Pro-Tempore. The President initially suggested this group function as a Pacifican company focused on the voting system, but the idea was rejected. Infuriated, the President shifted his focus to establishing peace with the clan. This effort was successful, although nearly fractured twice due to perceived disrespect towards the clan's name. On 22 May, collaboration began on a project with the DRP and Knockback Nemofists, aimed at territorial expansion for both nations. The plan involved constructing a base to claim new land. This same day also witnessed the proclamation of the Empire of Pacifico, with the Vice President and President Pro-Tempore exiled near the South Garden-United Kingdom border. The President was declared Emperor. A law was established during this proclamation, prohibiting members of Knockback Nemofists who were citizens at the time from leaving, to prevent a potential population crisis.


Pacifico was originally founded by the President of Pacifico following the dissolution of the DJ Empire. The Vice President was appointed 2 days after Pacifico was founded as he was one of the leaders in The DJ Empire. The "Vice Vice President" joined in 3-4 days after the creation of Pacifico, but was only given his appropriate title on 2 May.


States in Pacifico
Flag Name Official Language Population
Pacifico City Pacifican, English, Spanish 3
Upperland Spanish 1
Centroland Spanish 0
Graland English, Pacifican, Spanish 0
Lunisa English 1
North Garden English, Pacifican 0
South Garden English, Pacifican 0
Terrinal Spanish, English, Pacifican 1
Pacifican Isle of Wight English 0
Pacifico City

Pacifico City was the capital of the Republic of Pacifico. It was also the biggest city in Pacifico, and the biggest state in Pacifico. It had a population of 3 and was founded on 15 July 2023, therefore, it was the oldest state in the country. As Pacifico City represented the government, it had chosen to have the national flag on its state flag.


Upperland was the smallest state in Pacifico. It bordered Pacifico City to the east and north and also bordered federal land to the north. It had a population of 1 and had been created on 26 August 2023. The flag was chosen like that because the state leader liked it that way.

Pacifican Isle of Wight

Pacifican Isle of Wight was one of the newer states in Pacifico, having been officially declared a state on 1 May 2024. It had a population of 0. It was the only state that wasn't located within Gloucestershire, but in Hampshire. Pacifican Isle of Wight did not have a flag.


Centroland was the 2nd biggest state in Pacifico and had been officially declared a state on 26 August 2023. It had a population of 1 and it bordered Lunisa to the east. Centroland's flag was chosen to be like that because apparently, the state leader liked it.


Lunisa was the 4th biggest state in Pacifico and had been declared one on 26 August 2023. It had a population of 1. It bordered Federal land to the south and Centroland to the West. The symbol on its flag symbolized extremely high peace within that state.


Terrinal was the 3rd biggest state in Pacifico and had been declared a state on 26 August 2023. It had a population of 0. It bordered Graland to the West, South, East and North and bordered Federal land to the South. On 15 July 2023, Terrinal was the kitchen in the Battle of the Kitchen. When it officially became a state, its flag was chosen to be 2 swords to symbolize the way it was conquered.


Graland was the 5th biggest state in Pacifico and had been declared a state on 26 August 2023. It had a population of 0. It bordered Terrinal to the South, North, East and West. Its flag had a crown on it, but it didn't mean that Pacifico was secretly a monarchy. The crown was actually chosen because the President Mum liked it.

North Garden

North Garden was the biggest state in Pacifico tied with South Garden and had been declared a state on 1 May 2024. It had a population of 0. It bordered South Garden to the south. Its flag, just like Terrinal, symbolized the way it was conquered.

South Garden

South Garden was the biggest state in Pacifico tied with North Garden and had been declared a state on 1 May 2024. It had a population of 0. It bordered North Garden to the north. Its flag, just like Terrinal and North Garden, symbolized the way it was conquered.


The word pacifico is derived from the Latin word "pacificus," which means "peaceful" or "peace-bringing." Pacifico was chosen because the President is Spanish, and the word "Pacifico" also means "peaceful" in Spanish.

Politics and government

The Republic of Pacifico was a Parliamentary Republic but it was mainly run by the President and Vice President. They would usually call each other on Google Meet once a week to discuss laws, states and the country itself. To make a new law or introduce something new, The President and the Vice President had to agree with each other on it, and then, a majority of the population must agree on it, then the law was passed. An idea that was being suggested to the government was that Pacifico should have a list of the most important roles in the country. And it was created on 1 May. It was approved 1 day later.

Most Important Roles in Pacifico
Role Definition
President The President of the Republic of Pacifico
Vice President The Vice President of The Republic of Pacifico
President Pro Tempore In Pacifico, this means "Vice Vice President". The President Pro Tempore is responsible for citizenship.
Secretary of State Represents Pacifico in the outer world. This position is currently held by the President.
Field Marshal The highest rank in the New Pacifican Military.
Major General The second highest rank in the New Pacifican Military.

On 2 May, the government created a system to rank even more people into groups (Pacifican Classes and Levels) . It used classes and levels to divide the entire population into ranks (not just the 6 most important people.

Early government

The DJ Empire was an Empire with 1 Emperor and 1 or 2 advisors/co-emperors. The only Emperor of the DJ Empire ruled from 20 November 2021 - 16 March 2023. The President, The Vice President and 2 other people voted and created laws and, just like Pacifico, had to receive a majority from the population.

Flag of the DJ Empire from 15 February 2023 to 15 July 2023


On 30 April 2024, the Republic of Pacifico introduced a military. Triangle Man Clan merged with the Pacifican Military to create the New Pacifican Military. The Highest Ranking Officers in the military were the former leaders of Triangle Man Clan. The military had 0 active personnel, but had about 12 military reserves. The country was involved in the Battle of the Kitchen and fought a 15 minute war against opposition forces in its area, which, if the war was real, would be the Shortest War in History. It was also involved in a "Cold War" with Weeweebaguette. That war lasted about 1 month. Weeweebaguette was then forgotten about.


Unilateral recognition



In the May 2024 census, Pacifico was recorded as having a total population of twenty-one. Seven of these were residents that were registered as living in an official, approved state, and thirteen were persons who lived in Pacifican colonies, or non approved states. 75% of the population was British, 20% was Spanish and 5% was Singaporean. The population was very supportive of the government and often didn't get angry about newly created laws.


Date Name Remarks
1 January New Years Day The start of a year
16 March DJ Empire Dissolution Day A day to mourn the loss of the DJ Empire
15 July Pacifico Day The day Pacifico was created
20 November DJ Empire Day The day The DJ Empire was created
25 December Christmas Jesus' birthday
31 December New Years Eve The end of a year
