Republic of Brazos

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The Republic of Grodania is a micronation found in Brazos County, Texas, United States. Its government is an Authoritarian Democracy, where the people elect a President and the president appoints staff to communicate the concerns of the people, but rules with absolute power. The first De-Facto leader was William Wilson from January 1 to February 7, 2018. This 38 day period is known as the Era of Installation. During this time the new citizens wanted to hold an election to cement a president into legitimacy. The election was held on February 7, 2018.


The government is an Authoritarian Democracy very similar to [1] Totalitarian Democracy. The structure is a hierarchy with the citizens as the base, the provincial authorities as to the next tier, Federal Authorities as the third tier, Presidential Secretaries as the fourth tier, and the President as the fifth and final tier. The people elect a President and the President appoints their secretaries. Afterwards the secretaries appoint the federal authorities at the approval of the president. Finally, the Federal Authorities appoint provincial authorities, at the approval of the Secretaries, to govern the people in the specified province.


The President is the Head of the Government