Principality of 'Ard-Allah

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Principality of 'Ard-Allah
أرض الله
Flag of 'Ard-Allah
Motto: الله أكبر
"God is the Greatest"
LocationKnoxville, United States
• Prince
• 2023 estimate
Currency'Ardite Dinar
Time zoneEST
Today part ofEmpire of Terra-Dei

The Principality of 'Ard-Allah, more commonly known as 'Ard-Allah, is a Principality in the Empire of Terra-Dei. This Principality was established to accommodate for the increasing Muslim population. This Principality is practically a separate nation, as Sharia Law is implemented there, and the laws of the rest of the Empire are not.

The Principality of 'Ard-Allah is a strong militaristic Principality, and makes up much of the Empire's army.


The name 'Ard-Allah means "Land of God" or "Land of Allah." It has effectively the same meaning as the Empire's name.


'Ardites were originally from a group of Muslims that formed a village called Azan. This village existed during the Franklinite Era, but was abandoned shortly after the Franklinite Wars, as the village that supported it was destroyed and abandoned. The former Prince Mohammed has since abdicated, the throne is now disputed.

Politics and Government

The Principality of 'Ard-Allah is a monarchy, and is under the Emperor of Gi Theoû.

Early Government

During its time as Azan, the village was under an Elder, who was also the founder. Elder Nasir Ahmed founded the village 2 January 2022, as a safe haven for the Islamic population of Franklin.

Law and Order

As previously stated, the Principality is different from the rest of the Empire. The Principality was established for the Muslims of the Empire, so that they could be under their own laws, while still being loyal to their Emperor. 'Ard-Allah is under Sharia Law.


As the Village of Azan, a militia headed by Elder Nasir Ahmed was established to protect the village. This militia used swords, chainmail, and some rifles. Modern 'Ard-Allah allows for personal weapons in their army, and most soldiers still use swords, with only a few rifles in use.

Geography and Climate

A repoussé of the Emperor Nicholas, made by an 'Ardite citizen. The calligraphy on the top reads "Beloved Emperor Nicholas"

'Ard-Allah is located in the forests of Gi Theoû, near the coast. During the summer and spring it can feel warm, sometimes with light cool winds, rain and thunderstorms, and the forests are thick and congested with green vegetation. During the autumn and winter, it grows cold, snowy, and dry.


The 'Ardite Dinar is backed by the Theoûsian Corona, which is backed up by silver. This region produces potatoes, mint, lavender, chamomile, blackberries, and raspberries. This of course is sent throughout the Empire.


'Ard-Allah is a very Arab region, despite the vastly different environment, it is not uncommon to see traditional Arabic clothing. Islam is very common there, and mosques are too, a common sight.