Popular Committees of Easway

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In Easway, Popular Committees; Ez: Loumghayeroun; Nr: Populære Utvalg; Ru: Hародные Kомитеты; serve as citizens' assemblies in various levels of Easwegian society, which serve as the bridge between residents and their elected representatives. Established on the 12 February 2022 through the thirty seventh amendment to the Constitution, residents of each tier of government are authorised to form parallel groups which may discuss and bargain for amendments to taxation, establishment of new public works, art projects and the implementation of regional laws.

Each popular committee from the prefectural level and above is overseen by a delegate, who is decided at election. Popular committees may arrange public meetings with their delegate to discuss issues they wish the delegate to bring up with government in their representative duties. At the highest level is the national All-Popular Committee, which is overseen by the President of the United Common Assembly. The APC may collect signatures to organise a constitutional referendum.


The name 'popular committee' is derived from the organisations' ability to form and receive consensus in decisions from a majority of residents.

In Ezerryen Easwegian, a popular committee is called 'Loumghayeroun', which literally means collective authority body. Loum, derived from Sanskrit लय् (lay) 'to stick to', is a common word for organisational bodies in Easway, such as commissions and higher committees. It literally means an abode, a body or a house. The word indicates agency given to something to carry out an action.