Parliament of the Principality of Pripyat'

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Parliament of The Principality of Pripyat'

Parlamento del Principato di Pripyat'
1st Parliament
Coat of arms or logo
HousesCouncil and Senate
First Minister (Position assigned to the Prince)
Prince Umberto I of Pripyat', Partito Nazionalista di Pripyat' (ENG: Nationalist Party of Pripyat')
since 01 December 2014
Seats10 Ministers + First Minister (the Prince) + 40 members (20 inside Council and 20 inside Senate)
Council political groups
  People's National Party of Mednyat (20)
Senate political groups
  People's National Party of Mednyat (20)
Council last election
01 December 2014
Meeting place
Palazzo del Parlamento (ENG: Parliament's Palace)

The Parliament of The Principality of Pripyat' is the Legislature of The Principality of Pripyat' and as such is the supreme lawmaking body within the nation.

Voting Age

Inside the Principality of Pripyat',citizens can vote for elections of the various members of Council and Senate;the minimum age for can vote is 18 years old.
In order to be elected, the citizen must be at least 20 years old for be a member of the Council,and at least 40 years old for be a member of the Senate,and remains in office for three years.


The Parliament of the Principality of Pripyat' have two chambers:
• Council (20 members elected by the people,lower chamber);
• Senate (20 members elected by the people,upper chamber).


Part IV,Article 11 of The Constitution of the German Reich of Mednyat states that "The legislative power is vested by the Prince".
Beside the Prince,the 40 members of the National Parliament and the 10 ministers can propouse a law at the Prince;he have the power to approve it or to don't approve it.
Laws proposed by the Prince,if aren't inconstitutional,must be approved by the National Parliament that can only discuss about it;however the Prince can also override the parliamentary discussion in situations of emergency.

Terms of Parliament

Ministers of the National Parliament are residents publicly elected by the People. Their office ends after a three-year term,when they lose their electoral rights or when the Prince dissolve the National Parliament.
The office of the first minister,that is ruled by the Prince,of course haven't a temporal end.
The 40 members of the National Parliament (20 for Council and 20 for Senate) are too elected by the People,and their office ends after a three-year term,when they lose their electoral rights or when the Kaiser dissolve the National Parliament.
The Prince (that is also the first minister),if dissolve the National Parliament,can't dissolve his role of First Minister.
For can lose his role of First Minister,the Prince need to abdicate.