Parliament of Capia

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Parliament of Capia
House of Delegates
Founded9 February 2023
Lukas Mills
since 9 February 2023
Joint committees
National Assembly
First Past the Post
House of Delegates voting system
Proportional Representation

The Parliament of Capia is the bicameral legislature of the People's Republic of Capia. It consists of a Senate and House of Delegates.

Each house has its own procedure and regulations, however occasionally meet together in a single house known as the National Assembly.

Organisation and Powers

Normally parliament sits for one six month session a year. However, the President can call extra sessions.

The Prime Minister and other government Ministers are appointed by the President, who is under no mandatory obligation to make governmental appointments from the ranks of the majority party in parliament.

The government exerts considerable influence on the agenda of Parliament. Members of both houses are also granted parliamentary privilege, they are granted absolute freedom of speech during sessions and can call for inquiries into public bodies.


Each house has its own election system and are often elected independently of each other. The senate is elected by first past the post, however some senators can be appointed at the digression of the president. The house of delegates is elected by party list proportional representation. Delegates do not represent constituencies like senators typically do.

See also