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Oilism was a polytheistic religion derived from Shinto and the state religion of the Empire of Hakkō. In essence, the religion adopted Shinto beliefs and practices with one key caviat; adherents of the religion believed Oili to be the original creator of the Universe and Takamagahara. With this in mind, Oilists worshipped primarily Oili, with worship of the other Kami being almost nonexistent. The Empire of Hakkō originally vested its right to rule solely upon Oili, and disrespectful behaviour or antagonism towards Oili was heavily prosecuted within its borders. Within the Empire of Hakkō, some adherents of Oilism were more devout while others participated in its ceremonies and culture without directly purporting to believe it.

Sometime around late 2022, the main promoter of Oilism, the Count of Central Finland, converted from Oilism to Orthodox Christianity. Since then, Oilism has seemingly lost all of its adherents and faded into obscurity. The Count of Central Finland has since rebuked Oilism as "satanic paganism".