Lyteran Language

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Native toKingdom of Lytera
Early forms
Modern English
  • Lyteran
Official status
Official language in
 Kingdom of Lytera

Lyteran (Lyteran: Ieteran) is a constructed language designed by Amelia I in 2020.


Lyteran was made as a social test in Lytera to see how easy, or how hard it was to create a language and make it different enough from English without sounding like gibberish. It was partially based on Old Clubhausian, with Russian, Japanese and German elements thrown in. The project was largely shelved, but an attempt to continue it has been proposed.


The alphabet consists of 31 letters. The standard alphabetical order is the following:

A B Б C Þ Ɛ D E ɸ F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S ʂ T U V X Ɣ Y Z
a b б c þ ɛ d e ɸ f g h i j k l m n o p q r s ʂ t u v x ɣ y z
Letter Pronunciation Example of pronunciation
A ah apple
B be because
Б blee bleep
C se sea
Þ ch check
Ɛ sigh cyhra
D de demon
E e evil
E eh eren
ɸ o book
F fe feeble
G gai game
G gee geezer
H he hay
H ho hoot
I i eye
I ii icky
J jay james
J ju Jewish
K kay Okay
K kuh Orc
L el eleven
L le le
L lea leave
M m monster
N n never
O oh orange
P pee peter
Q kwe quesh
Q cue queue
Q kwi queen
R rah rasputin
R ree republic
S s sabaton
ʂ sar tsar
T tee tea
T teh terra
T th the
T tu tough
U uh unbelieveable
V vee veto
V vuh valk
X ex x-ray
Ɣ wye why
Y yee yeet
Y yo york
Z zo Zombie