Kingdom of Koya Colonies

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Kingdom of Koya are Kohathites

Kingdom of Koya
Kingdom of Koya flag
The Kingdom of Koya flag (1450-1898)
File:Of Koya flag The Kingdom of Koya flag (1450-1898)|100px|of Koye]]
Coat of arms
StatusState union
Common languagesEnglish
• 1450-1515 (first king)
King Niger(Portaguese translation) King Negro
• 1618–1668 (signed King James agreement to the trans-Atlantic slave trade to the American colonies)[1]
King Eliab Bai ll (from Kpelle King of Koya)
• 1840–1870
King Moribu Kindo Bai (from AfricanAmericans King of Koya)
• 1999–present (absolute monarchy within Liberia)
King Fondren Bai ll[2]
LegislatureFederal republic of Liberia[3][4]
• Established
• Sold Western Kingdom of Koya (Sierra leon)
• Federal republic of Liberia colony
• ended
• Reestablished
2019 [5]5,162 km2 (1,993 sq mi)
• 2019 [5]
Preceded by
Succeeded by
African American
Kru people
Sierra Leone Colony and Protectorate
Today part ofGrand Cape Mount County

The Kohathites empire rulers are related to Jesus Christ son of King David, King of Israel. Kohathites empire 1000 B.C.-1450 A.D. The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izchar, Hebron and Uzziel. The children of Amram: Aaron, Moses and Miriam.

List of Kohathite rulers

Names and Dates taken from John Stewart's African States and Rulers (1989).[6]

# Name Reign Start Reign End
1 Uzziel c. 1- c. 100 A.D. Izchar 2 F c. 200 c. -300
3 Amram c. 300- 400
4 Hebron 400- 500
5 Bukki 500- 600
6 Zerahiah 600-700
7 Heman 700- 800
8 Amminadab 800 900
9 Elkanah 900 1000
[citation needed]
10 Korah 1100 1200
11 Assir 1200- 1300
13 Tahath Guan Yu Chief Kamakazi 1300 1450
14 general King King Niger Bai 1450 1600
15 King Eliab Bai 1600 1680
16 1680 1720
- Ruler Naimbanna Bundu
1720 1845
18 King Moribu Kindo Bai 1845-1898
1 Sammy moore 1900 1934
2 Mary Jimenez 1934 1990
3 King Fondren Bai ll 1990- Present Day

The Kingdom of Kquoja or Koya or Koya Temne, or the Temne Kingdom (1505–1896), was a pre-colonial African state in the north of present-day Sierra Leone.

The kingdom was founded by the Temne ethnic group in or around 1505 by migrants from the north, seeking trade with the coastal Portuguese in the south.

The kingdom was ruled by a king called a Bai or Obai. The sub-kingdoms within the state were ruled by nobles titled "Gbana". The Koya Kingdom kept and maintained diplomatic relations with the British and French in the 18th century. Children of Temne nobles were allowed to seek western educations abroad. Koya also traded with Islamic states to its north and had Muslims within its borders.

Under Nembanga's reign (1775–1793), the Koya kingdom signed a treaty, which made it possible for the establishment of a British colony on the peninsula of Sierra Leone in 1788.

Koya participated in the trans-atlantic slave trade, though sources state that such commerce was much more privatized than in other kingdoms. Subjects of Koya traded in slaves on the coast even against the wishes of the state at times.

From 1801 to 1807, Koya fought a war with British colonists and the Susu. Koya lost the northern shoreline of Sierra Leone to the British and Port Loko to the Susu. However, they remained a power in the region. In 1815, the Temne fought another war with the Susu and regained the port. In 1841, the Temne defeated the Loko tribe of Kasona on the Mabaole River dispersing many of the people. In response to a British bombardment, the kingdom expelled the Church Missionary Society missionaries operating at Magbela in 1860.

The kingdom became a British protectorate on 31 August 1896 after which the Koya kings lost virtually all power. Revolts of the Temne and Mende in 1898 were fierce but futile. The British would govern the area of the former kingdom until 1961.

  1. Fondren, Wayne (2019). Kingdom of Koya. King Fondren Bai ll. p. 28. 
  2. "Mary Jimenez".
  3. "King Fondren Bai ll". Republican Party (Liberia).
  4. Fredereck douglas,. end to all slavery: The Years of slavery and kingdom of Koya for Africa's freedom. Free Press, 1990.
  5. statistics of Grand Cape Mount
  6. Stewart, John (1989). African States and Rulers. London: McFarland. p. 155. ISBN 0-89950-390-X.