Kingdom of Eggalia

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Kingdom of Eggalia
Coat of arms
Motto: Deinceps Transeamus! (Latin: Let us move forward!)
Anthem: Sons of Eggalia
and largest city
Official languagesEnglish, Esperanto
GovernmentFeudal Empire
LegislaturePrivy Council
• (as of 2019 census) census
CurrencyEggalian Thaler (‡)
Time zoneGMT

The Kingdom of Eggalia, more commonly known as Eggalia, is a micronation in Europe, completely landlocked by the United Kingdom. It was officially founded on October 2, 2019. It was originally created as the Eggalian Empire in December 2018, although plans for the construction and foundation of this nation fell through by the end of 2018.

Eggalia is a feudal monarchy, headed by his Majesty Supreme Emperor Frank I, aided by his Privy Council. At the time of writing, the Council consists of three members: High Chancellor Jamie Hills of House Cornelium, Sir Edward Field and Emperor Frank himself.

The Privy Council of Eggalia are currently making efforts for alliance with other nearby micronations in the UK, and hope to host a Winter Olympic Games in 2022.


The name "Eggalia" comes from the English 'egg', which was a spontaneous decision made by Duke Jamie Hills in the early summer of 2019. Since, the name has been adopted as the official name for the micronation, after multiple revisions and changes.

Politics and government

The country is run by three people. The Emperor and his Privy Council decide on the laws and regulations of the entire country. It is a Feudal monarchy.

An heir to the Eggalian throne has been named, although there is little legislation in place to secure their ascendance to the the throne.

Law and order

The only policing system in place in the country is the military. They are called in the event of a violation of the law. They are currently recruiting. Please cite the official national Instagram page for more information on recruiting.


The Eggalian Royal Military consists of the Eggalian Imperial Marines, Royal Flying Corps, and the Eggalian Imperial Militia (EEM) which are all part of the Eggalian Armed Forces. Their responsibility is to not only defend the nation from external threat, but keep peace, freedom and security within the Kingdom. It consists of Lord-General Hills and his Marine Patrol, who are currently recruiting, as well as the Flying Patrol, also under the control of Lord-General Hills.

Geography and climate

Local scenery. A road located close to the border with the United Kingdom.

In summer, Eggalia reaches temperatures as high as 36° Celcius, with a warm, humid climate, but in the winter, lower temperatures (around 0°), and the occasional flurry of snow and wind occur. It recieves approximately 206 days of sunshine per year with no rain.

External links

Official National Instagram page: