Kid United Times

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Kid United Times
Format Online & Physical
Type Newspaper
Founded 12 June 2014
Political allegiance Neutral
Language(s) English
Published on Wordpress (link)
Distributed in Internationally (focused on KUR)
Editor Edward Dickinson

The Kid United Times is an Kid United Republic weekly/daily newspaper published on Wordpress. It is the one of the many major sources of news which focuses on Kid United Republic.


The Kid United Times was founded on 12 June 2014 by Jackson Cole. Prior to this, the only source of news which focused on KUR was the home page of the government website, which published short paragraphs on major events. Upon the foundation of the newspaper, this was replaced with a set of links to various websites where one can find information on the republic, one of which is the Kid United Times website.

The Kid United Times is now privately owned by Republic Media Corporation, who writes and publishes its articles in his capacity as its editor. The first article published was about a new bill proposed by the Majority Chairman.


  • Edward Dickinson (12 June 2014 – present)