Jaden Rosencrans

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Jaden Rosencrans (born 8 January 1993) is now an American pop singer/songwriter. He is no longer involved in the continuously growing nation the Republic of Gemnoviag. Since leaving Gemnoviag, Jaden has had two top ten hits on the Internet Beach Music charts and more than ten top twenty hits in Beach, Dance, EuroPop, Pop, and Electronic.


Jaden Rosencrans is the founder of the Republic of Gemnoviag but was not elected into office until six years after founding. Actually after the Principality of Gemnoviag was formed, Jaden was not put in charge. Then when the United Communist Society of Gemnoviag government overthrew the monarchy it still wasn't Jaden who was in power. Finally, he lead the law to end Communism in Gemnoviag and abolished the UCSG government, which then formed into the Republic of Gemnoviag that we all know today.