Jack Bug

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Jack Doofenshmirtz Bug
Jack, capture by US Customs and was thought to be El Chapo
TitleMilitant Mirtz
ReligionPago Pagoism
ResidencesJabillah, Zelgend
Military career
Allegiance Zelgend

Jack Bug is a classified terrorist, professional alchemist and Prophet of the Pago Pagoism religions.


Jack was born as, "Jack Joseph Beeg", later in life he found God, Pago Pago. After that he became radical, planning attacks in Kapreburg and Quebec. Many folktales claim that Jack could walk at 1 week and drive at 4 months. They also claimed that when he was five years old, he turned water into a luck potion.


Jack has programmed the online video game doofus.io, which can be found at https://doofusio.herokuapp.com, which is being investigated as a terrorist recruitment program.