Idian Civil War

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Idian Civil War

An armed farmer firing shots at an unknown target.
Date23rd of March 2020 - 20th of May 2021(1 year 1 month and 27 days)
Former Kingdom of Idia, Cesmeliagil
Result Loyalist victory
Divided entities formed into Kingdom of Rhodieland

Idian Loyalists:

  • Loyalists
  • FAPAMON (Between November-December2020)


  • Legionairre Idia
  • ABR-Units


  • Republican Guard (Until January 2021)
Commanders and leaders
  • Veysel Solak
  • Servan Sevanyan
  • Sturm Sverdnik
  • Shalem Hebron
  • Galip Ozturk
  • Yigit Kilinc
  • The Idian Civil War was a multi-party civil war in Rhodieland fought from 2020 to 2021, a year after the dissolution of the Kingdom of Idia, as many factions vied to determine Idia's political future. Although Rhodieland is an unrecognized country, it still attracted more than fifty people into its inner conflict. Upon questioning, some locals stated that the war was more of "an entertainment source" for them than an actual conflict. Minor misunderstandings occurred when ex-pat villagers who came for vacation reported an armed man of the Kurtozu Minutemen to the local Gendarmerie.

    Preparations for the Civil War

    Civil War was a minor conflict with no actual losses and one report of bone fracture. It was fought generally on and off, sometimes without any action for weeks. It ended by 20th of May 2021 with a victory for the Loyalists.