Ideals of democracy

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The Ideals of Democracy

The Ideals of Democracy are to be followed to the utmost degree by all Citizens of the Ultra Democratic Republic of Referendums. The Ideals are the main system of laws in the Ultra Democratic Republic of Referendums. Failure to do so will result in any punishment deemed necessary by the Ministry Of Liberty. Non-citizens of the Ultra Democratic Republic of Referendums are able to invoke the 13th ideal as well.

  1. This is your nation, thou shalt have no nations before me.
  2. Thou shalt not defame your nation.
  3. Thou shalt not violate what your nation deems to be democratic, to do so results in punishment.
  4. Remember The Democratic Ideals, to keep yourself free and fair.
  5. Honour thy nation.
  6. Thou shalt not kill, unless it is in the name of your nation.
  7. Thou shalt never commit adultery.
  8. Thou shalt not steal, unless it is in the name of your nation.
  9. Thou shalt not lie, unless it is in the name of your nation.
  10. Thou shalt not entrust your rights unto any lawyers and/or judges, for they are un-democratic.
  11. Thou shalt never question democracy, for it is absolute in all circumstances.
  12. Thou shalt entrust your rights and life to the nation, this nation is and will always be just.
  13. If such is necessary, one is able and encouraged to declare a duel in motion, such duels may be declared for any reason.
  14. Thou shalt never advocate for car dependent infrastructure, to do so is punishable by death.
  15. The wheel keeps turning, and it is our goal to stop it.

The 13th Democratic Ideal

The 13th Democratic Ideal may be invoked whenever a conflict of interests arises between any given number of individuals. This ideal is capable of being invoked by both members of the Ultra Democratic Republic of Referendums and citizens of foreign nations. In the case of a foreign citizen invoking the 13th, the Ultra Democratic Republic of Referendums is to oversee and sanction the duel. Valid forms of dueling include any form of folk style wrestling, boxing or fencing.