House of Helmond-Bernhard

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House of Helmond-Bernhard
Country Queensland
Place of origin Thailand
Founded27 June 2018
Current headAlbert of Queensland

The House of Helmond-Bernhard was established to include all members of the Queensland royal family to be one dynasty. It is based on the concept of Queen Charlotte IV, bringing together the House of Helmond and the House of Bernhard. Unity is House of Helmond-Bernhard.

Current members

This is a list of the current members of the royal family:

Former royals

  • HRH. Duchess of Strathearn and George (Grandmother of King Albert and The Duke of Henrik and Mother of the Duchess of Strathearn and George) (1953-2013)
  • HRH. 1st Duke of Strathearn and George (Grandfather of King Albert and The Duke of Henrik and father of the Duchess of Strathearn and George) (1937-2020)
  • Lady Mary Margaret Sophie (Countess of Narvik) (Revoked for defamation)
  • Lord John William James (ฺBaron of Narvik) (Lady Mary M. Sophie's husband and Revoked for defamation and drug use)
  • Armgard Leah Märtha (Revoked)
  • Louise Märtha Irene (Revoked)