Great Snagovian Kurultai

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Great Snagovian Kurultai

Marele Kurultai Snagovean
Unicameral legislature
of Snagov
Term limits
4 years
Rareș Ivan Vasile, NSF
since 17 October 2021
Political groups
Legislative power
  •   NSF (65)
"Snagovului norodului"
("Snagov of the people")
Meeting place
Great Snagovian Kurultai
The Snagovian People's House (de jure)
Constitution of the Snagovian People's Republic

The Great Snagovian Kurultai (Romanian: Marele Kurultai Snagovean) is the unicameral legislative body of the Snagovian People's Republic. The Kurultai serves as the highest legislative authority in the state, responsible for enacting national laws, making important decisions, and overseeing the executive branch. Uniquely, the membership of the Kurultai includes all Snagovian citizens, making it a direct democratic legislative body that encompasses the entirety of the population.


The Great Snagovian Kurultai was established on 17 October 2021 after the ratification of the second Snagovian constitution. It was created with a unicameral body designed to represent the will of the people through their participation in the National Snagovist Front, the sole political party in Snagov.

The Kurultai's first session was convened in November of 2021, and it has since operated as a central institution in the governance of Snagov. Its unique structure, where all NSF members are considered members of the Kurultai, reflects the government's commitment to direct popular participation in the legislative process, albeit within the framework of a one-party state.

Structure and composition

The Great Snagovian Kurultai, as of August 2024, is composed of 65 seats, the current amount of citizens of Snagov. This means that the Kurultai functions both as a legislative body and as a mass assembly of the citizenry, with decision-making heavily influenced by the NSF's leadership.

Elections to the Kurultai are more of a formality, instead acting as more of an occasional update to the number of seats, as all eligible citizens automatically become members upon joining the NSF. The Kurultai meets in full sessions atleast once every 6 months. Commonly, only a fraction of the seat holders attend.