Grand Republic of Moontonia

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The Grand Republic of Moontonia
Flag of The Grand Republic of Moontonia
Anthem: Der Wille eines Königs

Military Anthem

March on to Eternal Glory

Largest cityBentonia
Other languagesEnglish
• Supreme Leader
Iain Turnbull
LegislatureBicameral Legislature
The Supreme Cabinet
EstablishmentMarch 8th, 2014
• Census
CurrencyMoon Ruble
Time zoneMoontonian Standard Time (GMT -5h 59m (MST)

The 'The Grand Republic of Moontonia' is a micronation located in Saint Louis Missouri, and on the Moon. It was founded on 8 March 2014 by His Majesty The Supreme General Commander Grand Sergeant Major Chief Master Sergeant Supreme Leader King Iain Turnbull, Leader of The Grand Republic of Moontonia, Governor of Moonvia. ​Moontonia is a sovereign independent nation. It uses the currency the "Moon Ruble", however, shops will also take USD. ​In Moontonia, They strive to preserve and protect nature, and give many opportunities to its citizens.



The Grand Republic of Moontonia's history is very brief as they are still a very young micronation. Moontonia was founded on March 8, 2014, by His Majesty the Supreme General Commander Grand Sergeant Major Chief Master Sergeant Supreme Leader King Iain Turnbull, Leader of The Grand Republic of Moontonia, Governor of Moonvia. At that time Moontonia was called Pensklandia. The Supreme Leader wanted to create a nation to advocate for the preservation of nature, and he wanted a perfect nation, one ran by himself, so he could guide the people to greatness. Pensklandia was a very simple nation, one ran only by the will of the Supreme Leader and the laws which governed nature. Citizens were not present in these early stages. The Supreme Leader wanted to ensure only people who shared his ideals joined. Over the next 3 years, Pensklandia would slowly progress into the final construction phases. During this time, the Supreme Leader grew impatient, fearing that natural preservation was not being taken seriously, and that progress on it was too slow. He knew what he would need to do. He needed to grow Pensklandia even further. On 8 March 2017, exactly three years after the nation's founding, the Supreme Leader appointed Quinn Rollins to Supreme Grand General of the Armed Forces. Of course, they had no armed forces at the time. They knew they needed to create a working government first, and so they did. Progress remained slow for the coming year as they spent the time finding extremely trustworthy peers to help them grow the nation. Days later on March 9, 2017, the Supreme Leader was attacked by the Leader of the Kingdom of Alaska's leader Andrew Custis. Andrew called the Supreme Leader mean names like "meanie." A shouting match ensued. The brave Gavin Christopher, who had recently joined the Pensklandia attempted to protect the Supreme Leader. Gavin, in his haze of glory, ran into a flag pole. Upon standing back up, he ran into the same flag pole. This event was the origin of the first two casualties in the war and is regarded as the first battle of the war. 8 months later on 11/5/17, the Supreme Leader called President Andrew a "stinky face" when he least expected it. With the element of surprise and a superior force to the Kingdom of Alaska, the Supreme Leader was able to win the 2nd battle of the war. This day is celebrated on November 5 as the national holiday of "Victory Day." A few months later on March 9, 2018, the Supreme Leader appointed Rafe Schmitz as the Supreme Chancellor to help govern the many states they knew would be formed. One more year was spent filling positions with qualified individuals, capable of running the country. At this time, with the influx of a larger government, Pensklandia changed its name and flag. Pensklandia was now called the United Soviet States of the Moon, or U.S.S.M. The name change came after the recent acquisition of the U.S.S.M.'s first territory. Its famed province on the moon, Ragrad. After this, the leaders decided it would be a good idea to establish the armed forces. They established the Border Guard, which is often referred to as the "Old Guard" because it was the first branch of the army to be established. At the time, the U.S.S.M. was influenced by many communist ideals that originated in Pensklandia, as the action of preserving and maintaining nature had to be done by many people, and thus many things must be shared. This "sharing" ideal transformed into communist ideals, that would influence the U.S.S.M. for the year to come including the many laws, images, propaganda, and ideals that would be adopted. On January 8, 2019, the U.S.S.M. finally launched a campaign to gather citizens, and people poured in faster than the current government could handle. The highly unprepared government, quickly created systems to accommodate a large number of people gaining citizenship. On the first day, 15 people joined, on the second day 12 people joined, and on the third day, 4 more people joined, officially ending the period of rapid growth.

Removal of Communist Ideals

At this point, the U.S.S.M., 2 years after communist ideals were introduced went through a "De-Communization" period, where they removed communist ideals and made themselves more "politically correct". Many of these new changes were praised and accepted by the Supreme Leader, who had since realized the fault in the communist system but was unable to change it due to the government members who opposed and outnumbered those who were for wanting to remove communist ideals. The U.S.S.M. also voted on and went through another flag and name change. It was now called the United Military States of the Moon. After these events, order and prosperity came to the country. Jobs were created, the government became larger and more complex, everyone was happy, and everything was working. However, this time of paradise was short-lived. ​

The List "Snap"

On February 25, 2019, a vote was held to add a new state to the U.M.S.M., Grünlandstadt (German for Grassland City). Up until now, the U.M.S.M. was using an online Google Document list of people, including rank, job, and voting count. At 8:00 am, the Supreme Leader went to add the new state to the list. However, tragedy struck, half of the list had vanished. The country went into a panic. Weeks of the most detailed of work gone and years of organization lost. They hastily searched to find the culprit. After many hours of investigation, the case had a breakthrough. On the Google Doc, the Minister of Intelligence Zach Bailey noticed one person had access to edit. First Class Private Alex Wang. He was quickly apprehended and interrogated. He pleaded not guilty to breaking law #19: "Any altering without permission or disregard for government documents is treason.". A court case soon followed where he was found guilty and sentenced to exile to Switzerland. The list was reverted to an older, save. Not a very easy fix, however better than nothing. Even though they were thinking that the day could not get any worse, it did.

The Dark Ages

On the same day that Alex W. was exiled, the current Rock of that time quit his job. At the time, the government did not know the importance of The Rock, so they shrugged it off. One week later, with the absence of the rock, the county was plunging deeper into debate, almost to the point of civil war. With the Rock gone, they had no one to blame for their misfortune, which made them blame everything on each other. Then they realized, that all these issues were all because of there being no rock. Alex Wang was quickly pulled back from exile and given the title of The Rock as they had no prisoners, and no one was volunteering. After the dubbing of the new rock, the government almost immediately returned to peace. The nation was once again at rest. This 8-day long period is called the dark ages.

The Anti-Dark Ages

With the ever-increasing complexity of the government, "the list" was getting more and more disorganized. The government needed a way to show the power separation between more people. So, a solution was proposed by the Supreme Leader himself. There would be a decimal assigned to each member of the government. The closer this number was to 0, the more power the person had. The names of the government were also reorganized. The ministers and extremely important members of the government that had voting rights were called The Senate. The workers under these people were called the government. The military was called the military, and citizens were called citizens. A few days later a plan for a coup d'état was uncovered by the ex-Minister of Internal Affairs, Gavin Christopher. The culprits were swiftly arrested by the nation's military, and disciplined. It was apparent that the county needed a secret service to protect the upper members of the government. This group would be named the "D.D.A." or "Drittel der Armee", Which is rough German for "3rds up army", to signify that 3rds and up are the most important. This section of the military would be run by Zach Bailey, a man who had experience with security and interrogation. A few weeks later the government gained a new section. The Supreme Cabinet. This is a section for the elite of the elite. There are 6 members of the Cabinet: The Supreme Leader, the Supreme Grand General, The Commander of Religion and Sciences, The Supreme Chancellor, Commander of Security, and the Brigadier General of the Border Guard. These extremely important roles are necessary for the nation's survival, and that is why if they unanimously agree, their decision cannot be overridden. On May 24, 2019, the U.M.S.M. officially broke with the last of its communist ties. The Supreme Leader dubbed this day, Independence Day.

The "Snap"

Then on August 2, 2019, tragedy struck. With most of the U.M.S.M.'s population switching from middle to high school, many citizens and government officials had to leave the U.M.S.M. as there would be a giant communication barrier. One of their newest, Emir Kliko stepped up to fill one of the most important positions, the position of Strategic Command General, the position responsible for the defensive and offensive strategy of the U.M.S.M.. On August 13, 2019, they appointed him this title. Sadly, The Rock, Alex Wang, also quit the U.M.S.M. due to him having to go to a new school. The government, learning from its earlier mistakes, knew they needed to find a new Rock quickly. Thankfully, a citizen volunteered for the position! He valiantly keeps the nation together. As the population recovers from having half of the working force disappear, the U.M.S.M. now enters into a long time of prosperity.

The Diplomatic Era

During a period from August 25, 2019, to February 7, 2020, the U.M.S.M. has seen a great influx of diplomatic activity with other micronations. The U.M.S.M. allied with the many other micronations, to become more involved in the micronational community, and learn more about fellow micronations.

Return To Isolationism

The 2nd isolationist era began on February 8, 2020 when the U.M.S.M.'s Senate voted 19-6 to leave the Treaty of the Midwest with the I.S.S.R, (one of the nations allied with the U.M.S.M.) and enter an isolationist foreign policy due to many of the micronations they maintain relations with veering from the ideals they once supported. The Senate has also voted to leave the Treaty of the Midwest with the I.S.S.R. due to the U.M.S.M. no longer being benefited by it, and the treaty going against an isolationist policy. A document was written, outlining what the U.M.S.M. was allowed to do, regarding interaction with other nations. This document can be found at: here

The Quiet Era

The U.M.S.M. experienced a quiet era in the year of 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.M.S.M. was locked down from 3/24/20 (the day after the Supreme Leaders' birthday) to 9/1/20. The Supreme Leader's quick action, This also resulted in much of the U.M.S.M.'s government not being able to make any changes. In the month of October, the U.M.S.M. suddenly had a surge of government activity.

Renaissance (Rebirth)

This surge of activity began when The Supreme Leader realized the U.M.S.M. has a navy but does not have any deployments, due to the U.M.S.M. being landlocked. The sailors from the navy were reassigned to the Border Guard. Ben Ellis IV was appointed as the Brigadier General of the Border Guard. Following this, the Strategic Command General at the time, Brenden Scott, stepped down. He was replaced by Sam Curran, a veteran of the U.M.S.M. army command. The U.M.S.M. has not seen this kind of activity since 2018 when the government was being set up.

Transfer of Powers

On January 26, 2021, The Cabinet, with permission from the Supreme Leader, voted unanimously to remove the Supreme Grand General from office, as he had become inactive. The Supreme Leader appointed Rafe Schmitz to succeed him, and Rafe will be succeeded by the Minister of Art Eddie Conversi. Quinn will take on the position of the Minister of Art. Followed with all these changed, The Cabinet also voted majority to make an addendum to the isolationist policy, and allow alliances. On January 30, 2021 Quinn Rollins went AWOL and has not been heard from since. His position was filled by Star Hamilton, a veteran member of the U.M.S.M.A month later on 2/24/21 Harry Williamson was promoted to the Minister of the Census, and Sam Curran was demoted to citizen due to inactivity. Todd Levy was promoted to the Minister of Conservation as Thatcher Gilbertson was promoted to the official ambassador of the U.M.S.M. to other micronations. However, over the following week, Harry Williamson was relieved of his duties, as he wanted to be the official ambassador for another micronation. Heath Ercilla-Poole stepped up to take on the role of the Minister of the Census.

A New State Is Founded

On 3/7/21, one day before the U.M.S.M.'s 7th anniversary, the Brigadier General and the Supreme Leader were discussing the future of the U.M.S.M. They both decided that a new state would need to be formed. The idea was brought to the cabinet. The cabinet loved the idea. 20 minutes of debate later, the name and flag design had been decided. The state would be called Bentonia and would be located in Benton Park, St. Louis MO, near the state of Dytusstein. Ben Ellis IV would take on the role of Chancellor of Benton Park. This new state also brought new questions that must be answered. Should each member of the Supreme Cabinet run their state? The Cabinet and Supreme Leader decided yes. Ragrad's control was transferred from the Supreme Chancellor Eddie Conversi to the Commander of Religion and Sciences Montana Knight. At this time a 6th state for Commander of Security Zach Bailey had yet to be founded. While the Supreme Cabinet was active, they also decided on a long-standing activity issue. Should the role of Strategic Command General continue? They decided no. The role was dissolved and the duties were given to the Supreme Grand General of the Armed Forces. Quiet time in the politics of the U.M.S.M. was interrupted a month later when many policies began to be called into question. A few positions being shuffled around, such as on 4/26/21, the Senate voted on reforming the government position of "The Rock". They decided (14-0) that the rock should be more of a neutral debate party, rather than a scapegoat. A day later on 4/27/21 the Supreme Leader asked the question everyone was wondering. "Did the name U.M.S.M. fit anymore?". They decided no. And after 2 days of hot debate, a name was settled on: "The Grand Republic of Moontonia". The Senate and Supreme Cabinet convened to vote. After a long few hours of voting, the U.M.S.M. decided 25-4 to change the name to "The Grand Republic of Moontonia".

This marks the end of Moontonia's current history. You can become a part of it by signing up for citizenship and doing your part for the most glorious nation. Thank you!

Politics and government

The government of Moontonia is very simple it consists of a pyramid shape with the Supreme Leader at the top. His rank is 0, as in the Moontonia the closer your rank number is to zero, the more power you have. The government of the Moontonia is separated into 2 sections, The Senate and the Supreme Cabinet (The Cabinet for short.). The Senate has the power to override decisions made by the military, and The Cabinet has the power to override decisions made in the Senate. However, The Cabinet makes sure to not abuse its power into only work for the good of the people. The Moontonia is a Republic dictatorship. They categorize themselves as a Republic based on how they vote for things. When they vote each person says either yes or no. However, not everyone's vote is worth one vote. The amount your vote is worth is decided by people who already have the right to vote. Ranks in the U.M.S.M. are very simple to understand. The closer your rank to 0 the more power you have. Under him are his two closest accomplices and his 2nd and 3rd in command with the rank of one or 1st. This ranking goes all the way down until the end of the Senate.

Law and order

Moontonia enjoys creating laws. All of the laws can be found on their website here: [1]. They use a select 8% of its military as its police force and its means to enforce the law.

Foreign relations

Moontonia has few relations with other micronations, due to their government's strict alliance screening policy. Currently, Moontonia is allied with these nations:

Current Alliances

Past Alliances


The military in Moontonia is the police, bodyguards, security guards, and everything in between. The fight for the security of the nation and the security of their allies. Moontonia has 3 different parts to its military. The Army, run by the Supreme Grand General Benjamin Franklin Ellis IV; the Air Force, run by the Supreme Leader; and the Border Guard, run by Brigadier General Rafe Schmitz. The purpose of the Moontonian Army is to fight all the battles outside Moontonia They keep the country from being invaded. The Border Guard protects the inside of Moontonia If the country is to be invaded, then the army and the Border Guard will both fight inside the country. The Air Force supports both sections. They maintain air superiority, and ensure that the army and border guard are victorious! The Moontonia takes great pride in its military, because they have never been invaded!

Geography and climate

Moontonia has an area of 160 Jacksons (3.68 acres). They claim 5 pieces of land in Saint Louis Missouri. These 5 land claims are the states of Grünlandstadt, Bentonia, Mooncastle, Dytusstein, and Moonvia. They also claim land on the moon, a 10-foot by 10-foot square, which is the state of Ragrad. Temperatures are wildly unpredictable. The only accurate prediction you could make is that it will be colder in the winter than it is in the summer. It will be rainy and windy in the spring, and fall will set in around October.

External links


[1] [2]

  1. "Moontonia's Constitution". Retrieved 30 April 2021.
  2. "Moontonia's website". Retrieved 29 June 2021.