Royal State of Bagradoria

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Royal State of Bagradoria
Regiae Civitatis Bagradoriae (Latin)
Flag of Royal State of Bagradoria
Coat of arms of Royal State of Bagradoria
Coat of arms
Motto: "Freedom, One Piece At A Time!"
Anthem: "The Bagradorian Chant for God!"
Official languagesEnglish
GovernmentUnitary Catholic theodemocracy
• Laird
Chase Bernard
LegislatureCouncil of Divine Governance
EstablishmentDecember 2021

The Royal State of Bagradoria (RSoB) is a micronation that declared its independence in December 2021 by Chase Bernard, the First Laird. Bagradoria is also a member of the Union Against Micronational War. It is completely unrecognized by the international community and is remarked as being isolationist.

History and Claimed Land

During Laird Chase’s high school years, he discovered micronation media. It wasn't until 2021 when he founded the Royal State of Bagradoria. Chase did this because he agreed more with the ideas of theodemocracy, Catholicism and Joseph Smith. But the biggest inspiration for the royal state's existence was Franz Joseph I of the Austro Hungarian Empire. In January 2023, the RSoB Constitution was drafted by Laird Chase to establish some reforms and trust with Bagradorians.

The RSoB’s official land is a 5 sq ft plot in Scotland and a 6 foot by 6 foot inflatable platform which was recently acquired. Although plans are expected to annex an island in the future.


The micronation is entirely a theodemocratic one. God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ have complete control while Mother Mary is responsible to lead us in obedience and faithfulness. Revelations of new laws and bills are received from God in which the Council of Divine Governance can propose, debate, and pass those laws. The Laird is responsible for leading the community, making speeches, journeying with others in the Catholic faith, being a landlord, and passing/vetoing laws and bills. The role of Laird is passed down through the family line.

National Holidays

Holiday Date
Anti-Totalitarian Celebration 21 January, 5 March, 14 March, 15 April, 8 July, 9 September, 20 October
Christmas 24-25 December
Easter 31 March
Repent Day/First Laird's Birthday 10 June
Passover 15-23 April
Founding Month December
National Husky Day 26 August


Kingdom of Sanctimonia (Since April 2022)