Draft:United Micronational Organization

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  • 16 full members
Chris I - Venae
• Foundation
16 December 2023

United Micronational Organization (abbr. UMO)is a intermicronational organization which was founded 16 December 2023. It adopted its current Alliance Agreement in 27 July 2023, providing for unified foreign and defence policies and laying out the main institutions of the Commonwealth. It is an economic, diplomatic and militaric online alliance providing for communication between the member states.

Membership in the Commonwealth of Independent Nation is possible for any micronation having the desire to join the alliance. Observation status can be acquired by signing an Observation Pact which will last from 10-180 days of the micronation represented beeing an observing nation.


The History of the Alliance is marked by three central dates:


Member state Emblem Code Date of admission Active Personell Reserve Personell Additional Information
State of Lasetia LST 14 March 2023 2 5

External Links

Discord Server