Draft:The Federal Republic of Alftotska

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Federal Republic of Alftotska
Flag of Alftotska
Motto: "Alftotska Above All"
Anthem: "Alftotska the Greatest"
Anthem used by Alftotska since May 2024.
Largest DistrictAbandoned Sandmine District
Official languagesHungarian, English
GovernmentDirect democratic
• High Councilors
Mór E. Szécsényi, Magnus Noble[1]
• Total
0.028887 km2 (0.011153 sq mi)
• Summer (DST)
UTC+0, +1
Date formatAll
Driving sideright
Calling code+44

The Federal Republic of Alftoska (Hungarian: Alftotskai Szövetségi Köztársaság)[name prounounced: Alfsɔtska] is a nation with locations bordering both Scotland and Hungary.

It is a direct democracy, but it maintains some aspects of a representative democracy.

Alftotska is known for being a completely serious micronation; as it treats itself like any macronational government would, and sees its own independance as completely significant.


Contrary to popular belief, Alftotska's name does not come from the 2013 indie game "Papers, Please", but rather from the name of its founder[2]. While critics of the nation have previously doubted this claim, it is likely to be true.


The Federal Republic of Alftotska was founded on 16 August 2023. It initially started as being limited to the bedroom of its founder, Alfréd E. Szécsényi. However, when Szécsényi held an election on October 31st of that year, he omitted setting any guidelines as to who could participate in it, allowing Leopold L. Buttercup, his pet guinea pig, to take power. During this time, Alftotska started evolving beyond being a non-serious nation. One month later, his brother, Mór E. Szécsényi won the election. Alftotska started to rapidly grow in land area after Szécsényi's (Mór's) leadership began, reaching a size of almost 0.03km²[3].

Transition to a Direct Democracy

On 1 April 2024, Alftotska announced that it would transition into a direct democracy.[4] However, the subsequent changes made to the micronation's laws reveal that the new system is drastically different from a traditional direct democracy.

Politics and government

High Council of Ideological Representatives

Alftotska's leaders are known as High Councilors, or simply Prime Ministers. Following the 1 April change, it was revealed that these individuals are responsible for writing the nation's laws, that had previously been voted in by the public. High Councilors were also given the ability to write laws, however, they are required to make the proposed law publicly available during the poll for its addition. New High Councilors are voted in themselves by other Councilors. They have tenure, meaning that they cannot leave the Council unless they are voted out of it by a 75% majority or resignation.

Law and order

Alftotska has only recently created proper court laws[5]. All of Alftotska's laws have been noted as being very subjective, however, this is deliberate, as it prevents courts from making unreasonable decisions. Alftotska has no military or police force. For court cases, a vote across the nation is to be held in deciding whether a suspect is guilty or not.


Alftotska has several ministries, none of which have had substantial information released about them. The following list is made up of paraphrased exerpts from Alftotska's Ministry Laws[6].

Ministry of Culture

The Ministry of Culture is responsible for preserving unique cultural identities in Alftotska.

Ministry of Information

Charged with managing internal and external communications, disseminating information about Alftotska's activities, policies, and initiatives. This ministry handles public relations, media interactions, and information distribution to ensure transparency and accurate representation of the nation's affairs.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Manages diplomatic relations, international affairs, and represents Alftotska in interactions with other nations.

Administrative regions

Alftotska claims several locations across the broader areas of Hungary and Scotland. Settlements are known as 'cities' or 'districts', and are very discontinous in nature. If an abandoned plot of land is claimed as a district (e.g. the Abandoned Sandmine District), and it is impossible to determine it's corners, a coordinate point in the general location will be picked out, and a circle in a certain radius will be claimed as territory. Alftotska's website (specifically the Base Laws) claims a house (formerly) on Loanhead Terrace, Aberdeen, Scotland as it's capital, named Alfcaristan.

A picture of Alfcaristan, as seen on Google Earth.

Geography and climate

Abandoned Sandmine District
A picture of the Abandoned Sandmine District

The Districts of East Alftotska (the locations in Hungary) are usually quite warm in the Summer, but freezing in the Winter (typical of Central/Eastern Europe). Western Alftotska (the locations in the UK) is normally fairly cold, with occasional warm days.


Alftotska is yet to establish a unique and/or notable export/import trade, and is currently reliant on several typical jobs held by inhabitants of the nation. On May 15th, 2024, High Councilor M. E. Szécsényi, announced that Alftotska is to start a clay export in the Fall of that year. He claimed that the soil sorrounding the Abandoned Sandmine area was found to be rich in clay, therefore making it a likely candidate for an "economy boost".

On the 26th of May, Alftotska announced that it was claiming a large portion of land around the Abandoned Sandmine District.[7] Whetever this has anything to do with the project hasn't been revealed.

The Map of the Sandmine District provided on the May 26th announcement and subsequent changes in the laws.
The Map of the Sandmine District provided on the May 26th announcement and subsequent changes in the laws.


Most of Alftotska's districts share Hungary's culture. Several inhabitants of Alftotska are painters/artists. Being a relatively new nation, Alftotska is yet to develop any other notable traditions.

A painting made by a citizen of Alftotska
A painting made by a citizen of Alftotska

Alftotskan Sauna culture

Generally, most Alfttotskans are aware of the medically proven positive effects of spending time in a sauna, however, only a few actually use them. Those that do however; don't strictly use it for these aforementioned health benefits, rather, they "mix" it with parts of African culture. For this reason, most Alftotskan saunas usually contain several African wall masks.

An example of an African mask in an Alftotskan sauna

See also

External links
