Draft:Republic of Pinea

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(Info for Admins: When moving this article to main space, please rename it to Federated Republic of Pinea, thanks in advance!)

Federated Republic of Pinea
Föderierte Republik Pinea
Motto: "Freiheit, Freundschaft, Pinea"
"Freedom, Friendship, Pinea"
Anthem: N/a
Overview of the Pinean main Territory, with Borders Marked.
Territories of Pinea (2024)
Capital(Name has to be Chosen)
Official languagesGerman
Recognised national languagesGerman, English
Recognised regional languagesGerman, English
Ethnic groups
  • 100% German
GovernmentDirect-parliamentary Federal republic
• Republikspräsident
J. H. (Fortschrittspartei)
• Republikskanzler
J. K. (FCPU)
from Germany
• Provisional State of Pinea
3 May 2024
• Republic of Pinea
3 June 2024
• Federated Republic of Pinea
3 September 2024
• Total
0.01 km2 (0.0039 sq mi)Estimates
• Water (%)
• 2024 census
CurrencyPinienkrone (Pk)
Time zoneUTC+1 (CET)
• Summer (DST)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideright

The Federated Republic of Pinea is a micronation in Europe, Germany. It was established by three friends who wanted to have a neat side project and learn more about politics and government related things, but it got also established do to them being disillusioned with the school administration’s decisions and the elected class speakers, as well as Germany‘s politics.

Pinea is a Direct-Parliamentary Federal Republic. The people vote president, chancellor, parliament composition and the court. In the States they vote for the Prime Minister and the composition of the Parliament. The ministers are appointed by the Chancellor, and in the states it’s the same but the Prime Minister appoints them. The president can dissolve the parliament if there’s no major winner, or the parliament is not functional, otherwise he’s a mostly ceremonial role. A multi-party system is supported and envisioned, but currently there are only two parties.

Pinea follows complete micronational isolationism. The country wants no contact or involvement in anything. This isn’t planned to last forever though and a temporary policy so the nation can fully establish itself.


Many names were originally proposed, some ending up as names for regions and other’s winning. At the end the name "Pinea" was chosen, coming from the Latin word for Pine, a tree that often appears in Pinean territory.


Initial idea

The nation’s founder J. H. remembered his first "micronation" In elementary school. Telling his two friends M. H. and J. K. who would’ve both wished they would’ve been there. So, thinking about that he knew the concept of a micronation, he asked them if they would want to form a micronation together. All agreed.

Provisional Government and founding

Flag of the Provisional State of Pinea. The flag was supposed to bring over that the state just rose up, has no real government yet and consisted of four founders

J. H. Went on to establish a provisional government in form of a oligarchic council, which sole purpose was to give the country its basic shape and pathing it to a democratic state. The initial progress was slow, but when the holidays came, the constitution and other things were decided and voted on. Before that A. K., a good female friend of the three, decided to join the nation too. Initially as a citizen and later on as a politician and part of the council. Finally the last vote for the president of the council came and the new, second and coming constitution was ratified to come in June 6th.

The Republic and first parties

The first Pinean parliament was still full of FP seats. The seat in blue is for the FCPU, which hasn’t been founded theoretically then, but practically it’s policies and it’s announcement have been done, so practically the party was already there.

On June 6th, everyone met up and voted the first government of the republic. The first political party was founded, called "Fortschrittspartei" (Eng. Progress Party), together with the announcement of the forming of another party soon. The first government focused on going towards the first step on the agenda of the Fortschrittspartei, Federalisation, but also on navigating problems with school together and solving them. Then the FCPU, standing for "Fortschrittliche Christliche Pinesische Union" (Eng. Progressive Christian Pinean Union). On the second election, the FCPU immediately won and secured two seats, with the FP being banished back to ministerial positions, presidency and two seats. A. K. Also joined the FP, do to the party being closer to her views, but not perfect.

Duchy of Iustitia and the Federalisation-Act

With J. H. Being limited too the ministry of inner-politics and culture, as well as other positions including education, finance and economy, he focused on pushing for federalisation. Around the time M. H. Wanted to get the title "Duke of Iustitia" and wanted a state in the upcoming federation called "Duchy of Iustitia" with special autonomy status. The government didn’t know yet that he wanted independence though, till they found out about his secret plans. The government (J. K. And J. H.) started to prepare and arm up, but it was all for nothing, because after the Federalisation-Act got passed through, the two parties negotiated and landed on just giving the title of Duke. The state of Iustitia would be a normal state in the new Federation. But before the new Article VII could be passed and actually ratified, a new official name has yet to be chosen.

Federal Republic

The Federal Republic was officially declared on September 3rd. The FCPU once again beat the FP, but now J. H. Is Republikspräsident instead of A. K.

Politics and government

Pinea is a Direct-Parliamentary Federal Republic. Citizen vote for Executive, Legislative and Judicatory positions at once, same applies in the states too. There is A Republikspräsident (Eng. Republic President) and a Republikskanzler (Eng. Republic Chancellor), as well as a Parliament called Republiks-Rat (Eng. Republic Council)and its lower part called ‚‘‘Föderationsrat (Eng. Federation Council) where every state has a seat, and the Republiks-Gericht (Eng. Republic Court). Ministers exist too.

Early government

The provisional government was under an oligarchic council with complete power and citizens being able to vote who sits in the council. Like today, back then there was a two-thirds majority threshold for if proposals could be passed. This was kept in the new Parliament as well.


The Republikspräsident serves as head of state. Powers of the Republikspräsident are mostly ceremonial, but he has still some importance. He can dissolve the parliament if there’s no majority and if it’s not functional (Example: it ruins the nation). He’s also important for foreign relations and is a moral guide for the chancellor.


The chancellor serves as head of government. He can appoint ministers and create ministries, his appointments and created ministries have to be approved by the court, for following certain guidelines. He can propose changes in everything, but the parliament has to vote on it and then the court has to approve it.


The parliament is the legislative. Members vote on proposals from chancellor or from the ministers.


The Föderationsrat has one seat for every state union or state, to represent the states. They also have to vote on things the main parliament votes on. Only if Parliament and the Föderationsrat approve, it is counted as '"Voted on by the Parliament"'.


The Ministerpräsident (Eng. Prime Minister) serves as Head of state and government in a state.

Political parties

Currently there are only two political parties in Pinea, representing centrist and center-right views. Parties have to have a logo, name, short abbreviation, program, leader and members, and has to list its political ideologies and positions.

Logo Name Party Leader Spectrum Ideologies Republiks-Rat
Logo of the FP. It shows an atom in a yellow-green colour gradient and the motto: „For a Pinea of progress“
Fortschrittspartei FP J. H. Center Liberal technocracy, Technocracy, Social liberalism, Rational/moderate progressivism, Meritocracy, Geniocracy, Secularism/atheism, Scientism, Anti-communism, Anti-capitalism, Anti-fascism, Anti-extremism, Federalism
2 / 4
Logo of the FCPU. It shows a cross in an CPU
Fortschrittliche Christliche Pinesische Union FCPU J. K. Center-Right Christian Democracy, Market Liberalism, Neoconservatism
2 / 4

Law and order

The supreme court in Pinea is the "Republiks-Gericht". It’s Job isn’t only to solve disputes between citizens and enforce laws but also too approve decisions of the government. All in all it’s the protector of the constitution


Pinea currently has no military.


Pinea has multiple ministries which are created or removed by the Republikskanzler. The ministers are appointed by the chancellor as well. Ministers and the chancellor can propose changes.

Name Minister name Task
Ministry of Economy J. H. The minister of economy manages the building of factories, economic regulations or subsidies, and other things economy related, like the helping of SME‘s (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises]] and more.
Ministry of Defence M. H. Issues expansion of the military, managing equipment, building bases, and policies (like draft)
Ministry of Transportation A. K. Managing logistics and supply chains, as well as public-transportation. He builds roads, railroads and more infrastructure related things. He can also make policies in that field (example: a policy which makes public transit free)
Ministry of Education J. H. Manages Education and building and funding of schools. He says what the schools have to teach and can enact policies regarding school (Making it free, making it mandatory to go to school (a law already present in Germany)).
Ministry of Finance J. H. Managing Finances of the government. How much should be spent and where should the money go. He also works with the banks
Ministry of Foreign Politics A. K. Managing outside relations and geopolitics. Or proposing policies that affect the outside diplomacy of Pinea (currently: isolationism).
Ministry of Inner Politics and Culture J. H. Managing inner politics and cultural issues. He is important for politics and political structures of the nation and the police. He also is there for cultural things like enacting holidays.
Ministry of Enviroment A. K. Managing environmental aspects (Protection). Can get out laws to control the environment. Builds environment related things.
Ministry of Health M. H. Managing Health. Builds hospitals and other health institutions. Can also enact policies to make them free, make them have a certain quality or other things.

Foreign relations

Currently there are none, but this might change

Administrative regions

Pinea has currently 4 States and 1 State union. Every State has a Prime Minister (Head of state and government) as well as a parliament and ministers, who are appointed by the Prime Minister. There are multiple state levels, from a normal State, to Free State and finally an SAR (Special Administrative Region). Governments of states can be merged into state unions (Staatenbund), where borders and flags and etc are retained, but the governments of the individual states are merged, this is for easier management. Every State (not when in State Union) as well as every State Union have a seat in the Föderationsrat.

Flag Name Leader Is in State Union Picture
Patrumia M. H. Yes
View of Patrumia
Aboria M. H. Yes
View of a part in Aboria
Locusia M. H. Yes
Frangeland M. H. Yes
No Free States yet.
S. A. R.
No S. A. R‘s yet.
Flag Name Leader Members Picture/Map
Staatenbund Patrumia-Aboria-Locusia-Frangeland M. H. Patrumia,Aboria,Locusia,Frangeland

Geography and climate

The giant oak tree in the Patrumian plains. It is even represented on the flag of Patrumia


Pinea‘s flora and fauna are basically not observed and written down. But some things are known. The flora consists of Oak trees, Pines and Maple tree’s together with others. Flora also includes high grass and bushes.


Fauna on the other hand is even less detailed. There were sighting’s of Golden Eagles (german: Steinadler, which translates to Stone Eagle). Here and there are some Cats who go out at day and try to catch mice, which have also been spotted. Moles were also seen.

Weather and Climate

Pinea has a normal temperate climate. The hottest temperatures go up to 40C and in the Winters it goes down to -25C. The weather is very rainy across all seasons, with autumn and winter being the rainiest, and summer coming in behind the two, and spring having the least. Thunderstorms mostly come in summer (which is expected).


Pinea is currently trying to start a economy. The Pinean currency is called "Pinienkrone" (Eng. Pine-crown). The right to work is guaranteed in the constitution and the FCPU even wants to introduce a law which makes it mandatory to work. Currently Pinea lives from donations, but possible income could be using the nation’s intellectual ability and/or working outside the country and bringing in money (selling out workforce), so all in all, the economy is pretty bad.


Pinea has a unique culture, mostly filled with Nerds. Scientific knowledge is highly shared and discussed together and there’s a Worldbuilding project that is very developed and drives Literature, Art, Knowledge, and many inside jokes. It is the main cultural aspect next to a deep culture of individual acceptance and respect, leading to a atmosphere of no tension.


None currently. Only the ones from Germany


I used initials instead of the full names since Pinea values it’s citizens privacy.


Own information and observations

External links

There aren’t any YouTube channels or official websites yet. The Discord server is only for members of the nation, who have to be trusted and close friends/family.