Draft:History of political parties in Ruskajista

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This article explains the history of political parties in Ruskajista and also lists former parties

The Leading political party

This gives info about the political party that always lead Ruskajista, and the party which Chairman Mai always led.

Anarcho-Communist Party of Ruskajista

The 1st political party in Ruskajista was the Anarcho-Communist party of Ruskajista. it was the party ruling Ruskajista for around a year. The establishment date is not clear, but it was disbanded due to Chairman Alex renaming it to 'Ruskish Democratic Socialist Party' and changing the core ideology of the party. The ACPR was the party which build Ruskajista up, and its ideology varied, it was pro-USSR and "pro-Revisionism", and sometimes even pro Stalin Communism, but Also Anarcho-Communism and Syndicalism. It sometimes even varied in that. Sometimes it was pro-Stalin, and sometimes Anti-Stalin. This Ideology change was the result of Chairman Mai having no idea of Communism at the time.

Ruskish Democratic Socialist Party

After Chairman Alex's inspiration in the Micronation of Edristan, he decided to change the party Ideology and the party name which resulted in the Ruskish Democratic Socialist Party. This party tried building Ruskajista up, but wasnt as active as the ACPR. The RDSP was Democratic Socialist, with GDR characteristics. It was again Pro-USSR communism, again, with a lot of ideological change but not as bad (same problem with the ideology change as before). The RDSP was disbanded due to the formation of the "Maoistischer Aufbau Ruskajista".

Maoistischer Aufbau Ruskajista

The Maoistischer Aufbau Ruskajista (englisch: Maoist Reconstruction Ruskajista) was a political party/militia that was formed because of Chairman Mai finally reading theory, after Chairman Mai disbanded Ruskajista. It was the only party in Ruskajista during that time. it orientaded itself on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. It was short lifed due to the Socialist Liberated State of Ruskajista being formed shortly after.

Communist Party of Ruskajista

The Communist Party of Ruskajista was the party who led the Socialist Liberated State of Ruskajista. It was for most of the time the only party. Ideologically it was Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Anti Revisionist and close to the MLPD. More infos on here

Socialist Unity Party

The Socialist Unity Party is the current leading political party of Ruskajista. It is ideologically Marxist-Leninist-Maoist, Anti-Revisionist, Stalinist and close to the MLPD. It was created due to a merging of CPR (Communist Party of Ruskajista) and MLPR (Marxist-Leninist Party of Ruskajista). It is the largest party Ruskajista ever had.

Former Parties

Every other party on this list was created by Chairman Alex during the time of the ACPR to represent diffrent ideologies, it did not work out and most parties were banned with the creation of the SLSR.

National Socialist Home party

The NSHP (National Sozialistische Heimatpartei/National Socialist Home party) was the most right-wing party in Ruskajista. It started a Civil War with Ruskajista and was also backed by the Almendrian Fascists. This party was set to lead Ruskajista during the Invasion of Ruskajista on 19th of August 2022

Citizen`s Party

The Bürgerpartei (Citizens Party) was a Conservativ Christian Party that believed in gods values and Rejected modern „ideas“ like LGBTQIA+ and Taxes. It was a more traditionalist party.

Economic Party

The Wirtschaftspartei (economy party) was a Liberal Right-Wing Party that focused on economy and Trading, it was against taxes, and for LGBTQIA+ Rights, it was for a more digital Lifestyle.

Social alliance

Bündnis Sozial (social alliance) was a Social Democratic party, simillar to Labour Parties, it was for better working conditions and for taxing the rich, it was also for a free market.

The Greens

Die Grünen (Ruskajista)(The Greens (Ruskajista)) were an Party that standed for equality and ecology.

Marxist Leninist Party of Ruskajista

The MLPR was an Marxist-Leninist Party in Ruskajista, which stood for Marxism-Leninism and Maoism. It is very similar to the MLPD. Unlike the other parties, this party actually won an provincal election.