Draft:Elections in Turisa

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Subject of my article is... Turisan Elections ( FRT )

Elections Explaination

Elections in Turisa

Elections to the National Council conclude on the 16th of January every Year, In some oblasts they can happen the day before or after the 16th. The elections for State Council conclude on the 8th of January and can also happen the day before or after. Presidential Elections are held on the 31st of December every Year. Vice Presidential Elections are held on the 2nd of January every year. Federal Assembly will be held on the 5th of January every year. Turisa has a multi-party system with numerous parties. from the federal level to even the smallest town at the municipal level, are led by a collective body of individuals (versus a single President or Prime Minister as in other countries). These executives often include members from several political parties.

more will be added further months

List of dates for Elections

Presidental: 31st December, every year

Vice Presidental: 2nd January, every year

Federal Assembly: 5th January, every year

National Council: 16th January, every year

State Council: 8th January, every year