Draft:Diadoxhos (Imvrassia)

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Borrowed from Ancient Greek διάδοχος (diádokhos, “successor, substitute”), from δια- (dia-, “through”) + δοχός (dokhós, “containing, able to hold; a receptacle”) from δέχομαι (dékhomai, “I take, receive”).
Diadochos is a title to describe the Heir in the autonomous monarchies within Imvrassia.
In each Hegemony there could be a Heir who has the title of Diadochos and he is appointed by the monarch of the entity.
The individual who holds the title of Diadochos could be an assistant and deputy of a Sebastokrator or a Megas Archon holding the office of Topoteretes instead of a citizen or he could only has the status of the Heir and to be a counselor to his monarch.