Department of Environmental Protection (Uniland)

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Department of Environmental Protection


Established 13 December 2018
Country Republic of Uniland
Nicknames DEP
Director General L.Porter
General Information
Headquarters Hillview City

The Department of Environmental Protection or DEP is a department of the Unilandian Government charged with protecting the environment, by advising the president to pass environmental protection laws and analysing the status of the environment. They have so far been very successful, coal is expected to be fazed out in 2025 and replaced by renewable and nuclear energy. The DEP also has plans to reforest large parts of the country by 2020.

The Republic of Uniland's Carbon Emissions

  • 46.99 Metric Tons (2019)
  • 4.27 Metric Tons Per Capita (2019)

The Nation is trying to cut it's total carbon emissions down to 20 metric tons by 2020, which has been unsuccessful due to COVID-19.