¡Democracia! - People's Front
(Redirected from Democratic Party of Wendatia)
¡Democracia! - People's Front | |
Leader | Jonas Rhymer |
Founded | 2020 |
Headquarters | Avienta |
Membership | 4 |
Ideology | Big tent Leftism |
Political position | Center-left to Left |
Colours | Blue, Red |
National Assembly seats | 3 / 10
Current Cabinet Members | 0 / 2
Party flag | |
¡Democracia! - People's Front is the dominant party in Wendatia.
¡Democracia! - People's Front was created as the Democratic Party of Wendatia, from a merger between the parties Rally for Wendatia (RFW) and Alliance of Progressives & Reformists (APR).