Constitution of Luxe

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The Constituion of Luxe is the main law of the State of Luxe.

Constitution of the Republic of Luxe
Jurisdiction Republic of Luxe
Created8 August 2016
Presented8 August 2016
RatifiedUnder revision
SystemPresidential consititusional republic
Government structure
ExecutivePresident, Parliament, Governorates
JudiciaryLuxe Justice Ministry
Author(s)President Luca Mirante
SignatoriesParliament of Luxe

The Constitution


We, the citizens of the Republic of Luxe, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Republic of Luxe.


  • Article I: The State and Its Territory

The Republic of Luxe is a sovereign, democratic republic, founded on the principles of liberty, justice, and equality.

The territory of Luxe includes the Governatorato di Luxe, Bussolino, Entra Mira, Governatorato di Secondo Luxese, Sotto Luxe, Duosia, and Governatorato di Franzlandia Ovest.

  • Article II: Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

All citizens of Luxe shall enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms, including but not limited to the right to life, liberty, and security of person.

No person shall be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.

The freedom of expression, speech, and the press shall be guaranteed, ensuring the open exchange of ideas and opinions.

  • Article III: Form of Government

The Republic of Luxe shall have a parliamentary democratic republic form of government.

The President, elected by the people for a five-year term, shall serve as the head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

The Parliament of Luxe, composed of one chamber with 10 seats, shall be the legislative branch, responsible for passing laws and overseeing the government. Every Year the parliament has to renovate with new elections.

The Supreme Court of Luxe, composed of judges appointed by the President for a lifetime term, shall be the judicial branch, interpreting the constitution and hearing appeals.

  • Article IV: Political Parties

Political parties are essential to the democratic process in Luxe, allowing citizens to participate in the political system.

  • Article V: Government Structure

The Luxe government shall consist of the President, the Parliament, and the Ministries.

The Council of Ministries shall be the central hub of governmental decision-making, overseeing various ministers responsible for specific portfolios.

The Premier, elected by the Parliament, shall serve as the highest-ranking official, presiding over Council meetings and representing the government.

  • Article VI: Ministries and Their Responsibilities

The Ministry of the Interior shall focus on internal matters, addressing protests, engaging in dialogues with citizens, and managing parliamentary sessions.

The Foreign Ministry shall manage diplomatic affairs, negotiate treaties, and represent Luxe's interests globally.

The Defense Ministry shall oversee internal and external defense matters, ensuring the readiness and efficiency of the armed forces.

The Ministry of Health shall manage healthcare policies, promote public health initiatives, and ensure the well-being of Luxese citizens.

The Ministry of Sport shall promote and organize sports events, fostering community, healthy competition, and national pride.

  • Article VII: Territories

Luxe, the capital shall be the home to the Governorate of Luxe and the government.

  • Article VIII: Currency

The official currency of Luxe shall be the Loid, representing national pride and serving as a tool for trade and commerce.

The Luxe Stock Exchange, founded in 2018, shall facilitate the buying and selling of shares, contributing to economic growth.

  • Article IX: Technological Development

Luxe shall embrace technological development, aiming to be at the forefront of innovation and automation.

The Luxe government shall invest in smart city initiatives and support advancements to enhance the quality of life for its citizens.

  • Article X: Amendments

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote in the Parliament, reflecting the evolving needs and aspirations of Luxese citizens.