Color Revolution

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The Color Revolution was a brief uprising by Communist-affiliated fighters against the Democratic State of Irvington.

Initial Attack

After the polls closed during the 2019 DSI Elections, INP/INA officers undergoing a joint exercise were attacked by communist forces using non-lethal rockets. As the joint force withdrew under the cover of darkness, the rebel forces advanced, taking control of all of East Irvington. President James Mitchell declared a state of emergency and deployed a militia force (mostly made of INA veterans) to recapture the province, which was done successfully.

East Irvington Offensive

The next day, the militia force retired, and a small INP squad advanced into the East Irvington Woods. The squad was ambushed, and the police force retreated calling for reinforcements. The INA Reserve came up to support the INP squad, with the joint group pushing into the forest and capturing 2 rebels. Over the next week, fighting essentially stopped, with the remaining rebels surrendering (the number was not disclosed by the government), and 2 previously undiscovered leftover arms stockpiles used by by the communists in the Irvington Civil War


In the aftermath, it was widely reported that the Worker's Party saw a dip in support. Once the conflict was over, parliment passed a bill banning former rebels (from this conflict or the Irvington Civil War) from voting, which was vetoed by President Mitchell, but overridden by Parliament.