Bezborodov Korney Teryovich

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Bezborodov Korney Teryovich
Бежборјадов Корнеі Терёвич (Šebanovi)
President of Sukhoyezhino
In office:
23 September 2022 – 11 October 2022
Predecessor Office established
Successor Office disbanded
Grand Duke of the Verdantia
In office:
6 April 2022 – 23 September 2022
Predecessor Office established
Successor Office disbanded'
Personal information
Spouse Lily Teryovich (fianceé)
Father Igor Teryovich
Mother Mariya Teryovich
Religion Orthodox Christianity

Bezborodov Korney Teryovich OSF ODS MHDSA KCOSB PAE was the first and last President of the Sukhoyezhino and Grand Duke of the Verdantia.


Bezborodov is a strong believer in micronational localism, which arguably advocates for the interpretation of micronationalism in adherence to declarative theory as manifested in the first article of the 1933 Montevideo Convention whereof Bezborodov's specific implementation he refers to as "conceptual micronationalism". He advocates that a micronation should actually have tangible land on Earth that it controls and has a valid claim to and control. While an online presence is necessary in most (if not all) micronations, he believes their entire landmass and government should not be online.

Awards and honours

Bezborodov has been vested five medals, orders, and awards, all of which are from the former Republic of Sukhoyezhino. They are, in order of precedence:

Order of Sukhoyan Freedom
Order of Distinguished Service
Most Holy Dedicated Service Award
Knight-Commander of the Order of Sukhoyan Benevolence
Presidential Award of Excellence