Batakréyol | |
Total speakers |
1 |
Official status |
Republic of Taigh a Bata |
Language family |
Language type |
Constructed Language |
Regulated by |
The Language Development Branch (Taigh a Bata) |
Batakréyol was the second conlang created by the Republic of Taigh a Bata. However, since the language was never developed beyond its infancy and Taigh a Batan and Caran were created, the language is classified as 'dead'. However, Batakréyol is still used as a cultural language for historical purposes.
Batakréyol originates from Low German Languages and Dialects, with a Gallo-romance influence. It is relatively easy to learn for an English or a Frisian speaker who knows a little German and French. It also contains loan words from English, Esperanto and French.
Most of the words listed here in Batakréyol were taken directly from the Llonkréyol language.
Batakréyol uses the same letters as used in English. Additional letters are as followed: é (eh), ö (uh), ÿ (oh), ë (yeh). Phonetical sounds are as follows: ck (ch as in loch), aa (å), uu (oo), ou (w), yy (ii).
- Hello: Ëllo
- Good Morning: Göode-morgcken
- Good Afternoon/Evening: Göode-aprésnuun
- Good Night: Göode-nackt
- Goodbye: Diutrevuu
- How are you?: Het géét?
- Thank you: Dankëuu
- Please: Si-tu-plén
- Yes: Oui
- No: Non
- Help!: Help!
- Taigh a Bata: Bataije
- Landashir: Londije
- Britain: Britije
- Flandrensis: Flaandrenije
- Slinky Empyre: Slyynkije
- Molossia: Molosije
- Sycamore Booker: Syycamor-Böckr
- Oakia: Ökije
- Austenasia: Austije
- Uun = one
- Dÿÿ = two
- Tré = three
- Faar = four
- Fijv = five
- Sés = six
- Sev/ Sep = seven
- Ojt = eight
- Neun = nine
- Dés = ten
- Dÿÿdi = Twenty (-di = -ty)
- Huunder = Hundred
- Cjent = Thousand
- Miluën = Million
- "Vaa'-" = what? -
- (nothing) = thing = Vaa?
- sö = sort of = Vaa'sö?
- m = reason = Vaa'm?
- thur = time = Vaa'thur?
- eh = place = Vaa'eh?
- oh = manner = Vaa'oh?
- mutj = quantity = Vaa'mutj?
- uun = one = Vaa'uun?
Nouns and Gender
All subjects are considered neutral (except living beings). Ancient nouns can usually be indicated by an /o/ ending. However, as the language has evolved, recognising nouns is harder but it can be done with experience.
Example nouns
- Human: Huumön
- Man: Man
- Woman: Fraou
- Child: Jönesse
- Telephone: Télefono
- House: Huus
- Dog: Hun
- Newspaper: Neuuspaper
- Car: Voituu
- Bus: Buus
- Train: Trén
- Institute/School: Instituut
- I: Eck, my/dear: Ech, me: Meck
- You: Tu
- Your: Tuur
- It/he/she: Het
- Its/his/her: Hen
- They: Thaé
- Their: Thaén
- That: Thas
- We: Vyy
- Our: Vyyn
'To Be' conjugation
- Eck aam (I am) / Aam meck (I am) (used in informal writing and conversation)
- Tu aam (You are)
- Het aam (It/he/she is) / 'T'aam (It/He/She is) (used in informal writing and conversation)
- Thaé aams (They are)
- Vyy aams (We are)
'To Have' conjugation
- Eck haav (I have) / Haav meck (I have) (Used in informal writing and conversation)
- Tu haav (You have)
- Het 'aav (It/he/she has) (the H is only taken off when used with Het) / 'T'aav (It/he/she has) (used in informal writing and conversation
- Thaé haavs (They have)
- Vyy haavs (We have)
You can see that if a pronoun is representing more then one person or thing, the verb will end with the suffix /-s/.
All verbs end with the suffix /-n/, and the /-n/ is taken off when not used as its dictionary verb in a sentence. There are no irregular verbs.
Common verbs
- To be: Aamn
- To have: Haavn
- To eat: Essn
- To pay: Paatn
- To explode: Splÿdn
- To say: Seitn
- To be there: Metn
- To make/do: Mackn
Word Order
- Eck aam uun Batan (I am a Taigh a Batan)
- Pronoun - conjugated verb - noun.
- Eck haav egtackn tuur monen (I have taken your money).