Alternative Ba'athism

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Alternative Ba'athism (Arabic: البعثية البديلة‎), also known as Rovian Ba'athism (Arabic: البعثية الروفية‎), is a political ideology that was developed by Mu'tazz to become the basis of Rovian (and theoretically a united Arab world's) domestic and foreign affairs. Alternative Ba'athism is an Arab nationalist ideology that promotes the creation and development of a unified Arab state through the leadership of a populist revolutionary government rather than through the leadership of a vanguard party, which classical Ba'athism promotes. It agrees on Ba'athism with establishing a new enlightenment era for Arabs however it wishes for a return to something akin of the Islamic Golden Age, rather than the Western Age of Enlightenment, as Alternative Ba'athists view the Enlightenment movement as flawed due to the secret network of Freemasonry being a main factor in the Enlightenment, and thus view most intellectuals of the Enlightenment with skepticism.


Alternative Ba'athism advocates the following:


Alternative Ba'athism shares many similarities in it's economic policies with classical Ba'athism, as both of them advocate for socialist economic policies such as state ownership of natural resources, protectionism, distribution of lands to peasants, and planned economies. However Alternative Ba'athists view Classical Ba'athism's views on the means of production as flawed, as most Alternative Ba'athists believe the right to property is a fundamental right, and have therefore chosen to implement Distributism in their economic policies rather than the classical Ba'ath approach of making the means of production the property of the state.


Most Alternative Ba'athists believe that basic legislative power should be held by the people, (akin to Libya's old Basic People's Congress) while the revolutionary vanguard would form their own intermediary congress consisting of representatives of the People's Congress (akin to Libya's old General People's Congress) who would interact with the executive branch of the government, thus having both the needs and ambitions of the populace and the revolutionary vanguard compromised and achieved in a healthy balance of power, and seeing this as a sort of modern (and improved) revival of the tribal confederation system of some Arabian tribal-states (which they view as states that were notable for being internally stable for long periods of times), such as the Qedarites. In regards to titles and social class, Alternative Ba'athists believe such aspects of society to be part of normal culture, unlike the staunch anti-monarchist and heavily secularist (most Alternative Ba'athists either support moderate theocracy or moderate secularism) ideas of Michel Aflaq, whom the Iraqi Ba'ath party proclaims as the father of the Ba'athist thought. Most Alternate Ba'athists view Zaki al-Arsuzi as the official father of the Ba'athist thought (along with the Syrian Ba'ath Party), not only due to most believing he was the first to use the term 'Ba'ath', but also partly because Alternate Ba'athists support a greater number of Zaki's views than Aflaq's, in terms of cultural awakening to the past, which conflict with Aflaq's views on cultural awakening.


Most Alternate Ba'athists believe that a Non-Aligned policy is best in international relations.


Political Islamic Ba'athism

Political Islamic Ba'athism is an offshoot of Alternative Ba'athism that differs in some aspects from Alternative Ba'athism such as in establishing Islamic law on all citizens of the state, as well as the final objective of Ba'athism; Political Islamic Ba'athists believe that Arab nationalism should be used at first to unify the Arab world, and only then, when the Arab world unites and becomes a strong Superpower that can defy forgein policies set by it's opponent countries, can a unified and federal pan-Islamic Caliphate be achieved. Political Islamic Ba'athists share many social and political views with both Classical and Alternative Ba'athists. Similar to Alternative Ba'athism, Political Islamic Ba'athism believes that the state ruler and government (the Caliph and the ulema in case of the latter ideology) would interact in a day-to-day basis with the populace. However, like classical Ba'athists, they also believe in vanguardism and that power should be vested (in this case the caliph and the ulema) in a select few alone. Political Islamic Ba'athism is in a sense closer to Alternative Ba'athism than Classical Ba'athism however, considering it agrees with Zaki al-Arsuzi's views on language (Political Islamic Ba'athists believe, like Zaki, that Arabs should return to the Arabic language to reestablish their identity. They also view (like Alternative Ba'athists who are practicing muslims) the Quran as the finest work in Arabic literature and that the Quranic verses are the ideal learning material for the Arabs to study and excel in the Arabic language.

Authoritarian Ba'athism

Authoritarian Ba'athism is a big-tent offshoot of Alternative Ba'athism that combines elements of it alongside with other ideologies like Nasserism (which has also influenced Classical Alternative Ba'athists) for moderate secularists, and Third International Theory (which has also influenced Political Islamic Ba'athism) for moderate Islamists. Most Authoritarian Ba'athists have mildly different views but unite together in the thought of the necessity of having a strong character as the leader of a Revanchist Pan-Arab or Pan-Islamic state, which differs them from the Political Islamic Ba'athists or the Classical Alternative Ba'athists of Rovia.