Acts of the Parliament of Baustralia (5 John 1)

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This is a list of Acts of the Parliament of Baustralia from the fifth year of the reign of King John.

Short title Citation Start of session
Long title
Titles and Styles Act 5 John 1 c. 1 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding Titles and Styles in the Kingdom of Baustralia
National Routes Act 5 John 1 c. 2 20 June 2021
Land Administration Act 5 John 1 c. 3 20 June 2021
Routes (Ostreum) Act 5 John 1 c. 4 20 June 2021
Newport Act 5 John 1 c. 5 20 June 2021
Companies Act 5 John 1 c. 6 20 June 2021
Restoration of Legislation Act 5 John 1 c. 7 20 June 2021
An Act to Permit the Restoration of Acts of Parliament destroyed by Vandalism, and for Purposes connected therewith
His Royal Air Force Act 5 John 1 c. 8 20 June 2021
An Act to Provide for the Dissolution of His Royal Air Force
Titles and Styles (No. 2) Act 5 John 1 c. 9 20 June 2021
An Act Amending Parliamentary Titles and Styles in the Kingdom of Baustralia
Île aux Couleuvres Act 5 John 1 c. 10 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding the Current County and Former Protectorate of Île aux Couleuvres and to Grant such Island and Territory of the King in Right of Baustralia to the Crown and Empire of Kapreburg, and for Purposes Connected Therewith
South Wabasso-Westminster Act 5 John 1 c. 11 20 June 2021
An Act respecting the Regions of Wabasso and South Wabasso, and the Municipalities of Wabasso, Saint Georges, and South Wabasso, and for purposes connected therewith
Foreign Honours Act 5 John 1 c. 12 20 June 2021
An Act regarding the wear of Honours and Decorations from all nations, the order in which they are worn, and for purposes connected therewith
Imperial Boundaries Act 5 John 1 c. 13 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding the Imperial Boundaries, to Repeal the Fifty-Second Statute of the Parliament which Sat During the Fourth Year of the Reign of King John I, to Reaffirm the Currently Recognized Boundaries, and for Purposes Connected Therewith
Constituencies Act 5 John 1 c. 14 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding the Constituencies in Baustralia, and for Purposes Connected Therewith
Nova Act 5 John 1 c. 15 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding the County of Nova, the Municipality of Nova, and the Constituency of Nova, and to Provide for Their disestablishment and for Purposes Connected Therewith
Gloucester Act 5 John 1 c. 16 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding the County of Mild Pond, to Provide for the Establishment of a New Municipality, named Gloucester, and for Purposes Connected Therewith
Dynexistan Act 5 John 1 c. 17 20 June 2021
An Act to Provide for the Establishment of A New County of Dynexistan, and Purposes Connected Therewith
Citation (Bills) Act 5 John 1 c. 18 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding the Bill Citations Used In the Parliament of Baustralia, and For Purposes Connected Therewith
Political Activities Act 5 John 1 c. 19 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding Activities Deemed Acceptable within the Parliament, and for purposes connected therewith
House of Lords (Identifier) Act 5 John 1 c. 20 20 June 2021
An Act to Establish A Court Identifier for the House of Lords in accordance with the Thirteenth Chapter of the Statute of Parliament that sat during the Fourth Year of the Reign of King John I, commonly known as the House of Lords (Powers) Act, to Amend the Forty-First Chapter of the Statute of Parliament that sat during the Third Year of the Reign of King John I, commonly known as the Citation (Legal) Act, and for Purposes Connected Therewith
Holderton County Act 5 John 1 c. 21 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding the Properties, Land, Buildings, Routes, and Sovereignty of the Region of Concord in the Municipality of Concord County, Regarding the Properties, Land, Buildings, and Sovereignty of the Region of Tremur in the Municipality of Holderton County, To Incorporate the Region of Cascadia in the Municipality of Concord County, as the Municipality of Cascadia, Regarding the Constituency of Concord County, and for Purposes Connected Therewith
Public Health Emergency Measures (Confirmation) Act 5 John 1 c. 22 20 June 2021
An Act to confirm the Status of the Fourty Sixth Chapter of the Statute of the Parliament that sat during the Third Year of the Reign of King John I, the Public Health Emergency Measures (Quarantine) Act
Popular Route Sign Act 5 John 1 c. 23 20 June 2021
An Act to Amend the Second Chapter of the Statute of Parliament that sat during the Fifth Year of the Reign of King John I, commonly called the National Routes Act, to Update the Pattern of Route Signs to be more appealing to Baustralians, and for Purposes Connected Therewith
Routes Act (Ostreum) 5 John 1 c. 24 20 June 2021
An Act to Amend the Twenty-Third Chapter of the Statute of Parliament that sat during the Fifth Year of the Reign of King John I, commonly called the Popular Route Sign Act, to Simplify the Route System of Ostreum
National Symbols Act (Wangatangia) 5 John 1 c. 25 20 June 2021
An Act respecting the Flag of Wangatangia
Mild Pond Act 5 John 1 c. 26 20 June 2021
An Act respecting the Baustralian Route System within the County of Mild Pond
Monaghan Act 5 John 1 c. 27 20 June 2021
An Act Respecting the Region of Monaghan and for Extension Thereof
Fox Islands Act 5 John 1 c. 28 20 June 2021
An Act Respecting the Colony of the Fox Islands and for Dissolution Thereof
Political Activities (Amendment) Act 5 John 1 c. 29 20 June 2021
An Act respecting the Political Activities Act
Monaghan (No. 2) Act 5 John 1 c. 30 20 June 2021
An Act respecting the Region of Monaghan in the Municipality of Gloucester
Newport (Routes and Territory) Act 5 John 1 c. 31 20 June 2021
An Act respecting the County of Newport, to Provide for the Assumption of One-Third of a Square Kilometre of Land in Marmora Township, Ontario, Canada, to Form the Municipality of Allan, One-Third of a Square Kilometre of Land in Brighton Township, Ontario, Canada, to Form the Regions of Cons and Lakeside in the Municipality of Scriver, One-Tenth of a Square Kilometre of Land in Alnwick/Haldimand Township, Ontario, Canada, to Form the Municipality of Jackson, All Municipalities Frequented by Baustralians, to Propose Highways to be Assigned upon Assessment and Approval of the Pathways Designated, to Reassign Baustralian Highway Business Loop 15 to the Route’s Original Designation of Baustralian Highway 14, to Reassign Baustralian Highway 51 Alternate to the Route’s Original Designation of Baustralian Highway 52 and for Purposes Connected Therewith
Colonial Routes Act 5 John 1 c. 32 20 June 2021
An Act to Distinguish Baustralian Highways in the Realm and in Her Colonies, and to Distinguish Baustralian Highways in Canada and the United States of America
Holderton Act 5 John 1 c. 33 20 June 2021
An Act respecting the County of Holderton, to provide for the Assumption of 3 hectares of Land to Form the Municipality of Nicotiana, and to Propose Routes Therein
Routes Act 5 John 1 c. 34 20 June 2021
An Act Regarding Routes in the Colonies of Wangatangia and Ostreum, and to Amend the Second Paragraph in the Thirty-Second Statute of the Parliament of Baustralia which Sat during the Fifth Year of the Reign of King John I
Constituencies (No. 2) Act 5 John 1 c. 35 20 June 2021
An Act to Establish the Constituencies of Marlborough, Allan, Scriver, Jackson, and Nicotinia
Colonial Routes (No. 2) Act 5 John 1 c. 36 20 June 2021
An Act to Repeal the Thirty Second Statute of the Parliament of Baustralia that sat during the Fifth Year of the Reign of King John I, to restore the route signs to the Blue and White Fish design as defined in the Twenty Third Statute of the Parliament of Baustralia that sat during the Fifth Year of the Reign of King John I, and to Co-sign Colonial Routes with a Second Sign of the Same Colour Schemes as laid out per Colony in the repealed Act of Parliament, and for purposes connected therewith
Vienna Act 5 John 1 c. 37 20 June 2021
An Act to form the County of Vienna from a parcel of land in the Municipality of Prince Edward County in the Province of Ontario in the Dominion of Canada

See also