Kortosh-Jusin Federal National Defence Force

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Kortosh-Jusin Federal National Defence Force (English)
카르토쉬-쥬신 연방 국토방위군 (Korean)
Established April 25, 2022
Country Federation of Kortosh-Jusin
Previous engagements Tamar Army
Freetown Federation Army
Kortosh Free People Army
Current engagements None
Commanders-in-chief Hwang Do-Gyeong
General Officer Hwang Do-Gyeong
Chief of Ground Operations Command Lee-Seo-Dam
Chief of Air Operations Command Oh-Hyeon
General information
Headquarters Federation of Ministry of National Defense
Active personnel ???
Standard weapon None
Standard vehicles None
KJF National Defence Force was showing inter-movement fire during a drill


April 25, 2022, The Kortosh-Jusin Federal National Defense Force was launched.



Alliance & Mutual defense


Slogan and a creed of service


Creed of Service


We are defenders of freedom and people,

As a protector of equality and peace,

I will give my life to all of that for the nation,

We will block the path of the enemy with our bodies.

Goddess of Victory, please answer the call.

Freedom, equality, and peace may never be free,

We have pledged to give our everything to this land.

God, please bless us with the glory of victory.


우리는 자유와 인민을 수호하는 수호자이자

평등과 평화를 지키는 지킴이의 역할로써

국가를 위한 그 모든 일에 목숨을 바칠것이며

적이 나아가는 그 길을 우리의 몸으로 막을 것입니다

승리의 여신이여 그 부름에 대답하여주십시오

자유와 평등과 평화는 결코 공짜가 아닐지어이며

우리는 이땅에 우리의 모든 것을 바치기로 맹새하였으니

신이시어 우리에게 승리의 영광을 안겨주소서


The class system uses the former rank of the Kortosh Free People's Army.

May 29, 2022, Army rank signs are changed.

Insignia combat
Flag Rank code Rank name 계급(Korean rank name)
OF-10 General 대장(Dae-Jang)
OF-9 Lieutenant General 중장(Jung-Jang)
OF-8 Major General 소장(So-Jang)
OF-7 Brigadier General 준장(Jun-Jang)
OF-6 Colonel 대령(Dae-Ryeong)
OF-5 Lieutenant Colonel 중령(Jung-Ryeong)
OF-4 Major 소령(So-Ryeong)
OF-3 Captain 대위(Dae-Wi)
OF-2 Lieutenant 중위(Jung-Wi)
OF-1 Second Lieutenant 소위(So-Wi)
WO Warrant Officer 준위(Jun-Wi)
OR-9 Sergeant Major 원사(Won-Sa)
OR-8 Master Sergeant 상사(Sang-Sa)
OR-7 Sergeant First Class 중사(Jung-Sa)
OR-6 Staff Sergeant 하사(Ha-Sa)
OR-1~OR-5 Private 병사(Byeong-Sa)


Ribbon Honour
The Secretary of Defense of Federation of Kortosh-Jusin
served as the Secretary of Defense of the National Defence Force
General of Kortosh-Jusin Federation National Defence Force
Served as Commander-in-Chief of the National Defence Force
Lieutenant General of Kortosh-Jusin Federation National Defence Force
Major General of Kortosh-Jusin Federation National Defence Force
Chief of Namhwa Military Police Corps

Side story

Some of the soldiers in the Kortosh Free People's Army have already served in the military once.

  • Hwang-Do-Gyeong(Commanders-in-chief of KFPA): From January 14, 2019 to August 21, 2020, he worked in The 2nd Artillery Brigade of the Republic of Korea Army and used K-9 155mm self-propelled artillery as his main specialty.
  • Oh-Hyeon(Chief of KFPA Air Operations Command): From April, 2020 to October, 2021, he worked in The 19th Fighter Wing of the Republic of Korea Air Force.