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Spoken inKingdom of Unitedlands
Writing system(s)English Script

Üñitiäen or Unitian on English is a language spoken in Unitedlands. It is a reworked of an existing language called English adding some weird laws on the language like replacing a or e to äe and s is Replaced into Sharp S(ß) and K is Replaced with Ķ and N is Replaced with Ñ and U is Replaced by Ü and C is Replaced by Ç like that.


The language was originally created backing April 15 by the Ruler of Unitedlands. Ruler Rey thought of an idea to make Unitian basically just harder English so he made it making 5 new weird rules on writing a word on this English reworked. Currently, the Native Speakers of this language is 0 because of how hard to pronounce the words even the creator himself can't even pronounce the words well.


Üñitiäen uses the original 26 letters of English with some slight change.

Ää Bb Çç Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii

Jj Ķķ Ll Mm Ññ Oo Pp Qq Rr

Ss Tt Üü Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz


Here are some sample sentences read them if you can!

Short sentences:

Thäet is oür hoüßäe.

Thäeräeß iß thäe bäell cäetch it

Thäe bäel fiñäelly räeñgäed

Long sentences:

Thäet is our homäe do yoü wäeññäe comäe insidäe my hoüßäe it'ß oķ if yoü doñ't comäe iñsidäe.

Giväe päepäe äe cüp of propäer coffäe iñ äe coppäer coffäe cüp äeñd äe hot chocoläetäe coffäe snäecķ.

I wäeß on äe träeiñßtäetioñ wäeting for äe träeñ whiläe äeñ old womäeñ säeid cäeñ you pläesäe gäet my qüäertäer it dropped iñ thäe floor ßo I pickäed it üp äend gäeväed it bäecķ to the old womäeñ äeñd shäe säeid thäenķ you.