Åxenö Government

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Federal Government of Åxenö
CountryRepublic of Åxenö
Legislative branch
Meeting placeParliment House
HeadquartersBlue House
CourtÅxenöan Supreme Court

The Federal Government of Åxenö is the national government of Åxenö. The Åxenö Government is based in the Blue House in Börkö. Åxenö is federal presidential republic. Åxenö is made up of 5 districts. All 5 districts have their own government seperate from the main government. The governer of the districts have to listen to the president of Åxenö and the prime minister of Åxenö. The governers have some power over their districts but the government has controll aswell.

Branches of Governemnt

There are 3 branches of government in Åxenö, which are hedquartered in Börkö. The 3 branches of government.


The Åxenöan President who is also the commander of military and police. The president can also choose his cabinet in parliment. The president can also decleare foreign relations with other countries or micronations. The president also has control of public services and such. The parliment can overide several of the presidents decisions.


Åxenöan parliment is a bicameral legislature that can veto the presidents decleration of war, decleration of an alliance or trade deals so long half of the parliment votes so. Parliment decides laws and regulations for the entire country. The parliment also accept treaties of war and such. The parliment is voted by the population of Åxenö. The parlimentary political parties decide what candidate they want in parliment.


Åxenöan Supreme Court controls and regulates laws and can overide the presidents laws unlike parliment. Parliment votes in the judge of the Åxenöan court. The Åxenöan court controls smaller courts and such. The prime minister has the most controll over the court. The prime minister is also the judge for the court.