Kingdom of Cumagne

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Kingdom of Cumagne
Royaume de Cumagne


Coat of Arms]/td>

La Liberté garantie!
Freedom is guaranteed! (English)

Map of the Kingdom (2015).

Capital cityNison
Largest cityNison
Official language(s)English;
Official religion(s)Roman Catholicism
DemonymCumagnais (singular),
Cumagnaise (plural)

GovernmentConstitutional monarchy
- KingThomas I

LegislatureSecretariat of the Nation

Formation01 October 2015
Area Claimed49 km²
Population06 (2016 estimate)
Date formatdd-mm-yyyy

Cumagne, officially the Kingdom of Cumagne is a constitutional monarchy largely based on the culture of the French Monarchy and is located in Bouvet Island. It was created by the King Thomas I on 1 October 2015. On 23 September 2016, Cumagne became the eleventh state of Karno-Ruthenian Empire, although the Cumagnaise Monarchy was kept in power and with great amount of autonomy. On 25 October 2017, became independent once again.


The Bouvet Island, officially by Norway, is an uninhabited island in the South Atlantic Ocean. Covering an area of ​​49 km2, it is 93% covered by a thick ice cap that blocks the coast south and east. The Bouvet Island was discovered on 1 January 1739, by Jean-Baptiste Lozier Bouvet, Prince Slakhallet and honorary citizen of the Kingdom.

Not knowing if it was an island or the northern end of a hypothetical Antarctica, Bouvet baptized this land Cape of Circumcision, the name of the religious feast day of discovery. In 1927, it became a Norwegian island; indeed, no one had yet stayed, that was a Norwegian crew who lived there for a month. In 1971, Norway declared Bouvet Island and surrounding waters nature reserve.

The country settled there in 1977, an automated weather station. On 1 October 2015, the island became the Kingdom of Cumagne and the island remains a protected area. Its 29.6 km of coastline are often surrounded by drifting ice. Each austral summer, glaciers swathes fall high cliffs of volcanic origin in the sea or on the black sand beaches. The island benefiting from any port, it is particularly difficult for ships to approach; Embedded helicopter thus proves to be the easiest way to access it.


On 1 October 2015, the day that the Kingdom was founded, the Ruler of Cumagne proclaims the establishment of the Constitution Monarchy by the Royal Constitution, drafted by the King. That was a simple text composed of several articles claiming the full independence. It was and still being a democratic and meritocratic state. During its effectiveness, the constitution has been amended twice, on 2 January 2016 and 26 May 2016.

National holidays

Name Date Notes
New Year's Day 1 January The first day of the Gregorian year.
King's Day 20 July Birthday of His Majesty, the King of Cumagne.
National Day 1 October Celebrate the foundation of the Kingdom of Cumagne.
Armistice Day 11 November Commemoration of the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany and also in commemoration of both living and dead soldiers who served in any conflict.
Christmas Day 25 December Traditional commemoration of the birth of Jesus.
New Year's Eve 31 December The final day of the Gregorian year; Saint Sylvester's Day.

External links
